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VT Data - Tornado ClimatologySource

Spatial model of Vermont tornado climatology. Models Vermont tornado events per long-term data collection (data date-range is January 1950 - February 2019). Provides access to Vermont tornado-event information.Data-source credit: NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) ( tornado-event data--in CSV format--from NCEI database on 06/06/2019. Data period is 01/1950-02/2019. Imported data to a geodatabase. Used beginning latitude/longitude values to spatially enable the data; 1 record was missing a beginning latitude/longitude (record w/ EVENT_ID = 10355004)--estimated beginning latitude/longitude of that event by referencing its EVENT_NARRATIVE. Removed fields so that fields focus on core event-info. Projected data to Vermont State Plane NAD83 meters. Moved narrative fields (EVENT_NARRATIVE and EPISODE_NARRATIVE) fields to a separate non-spatial table; those fields have lengthy contents that exceed the shapefile text-field limit--intention is to make them available in open-data portal as CSV table that is joinable to the feature class (via EVENT_ID field).Feature-Class Climate_VTTORNADOS_point FIELD DESCRIPTIONS:EVENT_ID: Unique ID assigned by NWS to note a single, small part that goes into a specific storm episode.BEGIN_DATE: Beginning date.TOR_F_SCALE: Enhanced Fujita Scale describes the strength of the tornado based on the amount and type of damage caused by the tornado. The F-scale of damage will vary in the destruction area; therefore, the highest value of the F-scale is recorded for each event.DEATHS_DIRECT: The number of deaths directly related to the weather event.INJURIES_DIRECT: The number of injuries directly related to the weather event.DAMAGE_PROPERTY_NUM: The estimated amount of damage to property incurred by the weather event. (e.g. 10.00K = $10,000; 10.00M = $10,000,000)DAMAGE_CROPS_NUM: The estimated amount of damage to crops incurred by the weather event. (e.g. 10.00K = $10,000; 10.00M = $10,000,000)TOR_LENGTH: Length of the tornado or tornado segment while on the ground (minimal of tenths of miles)TOR_WIDTH: Width of the tornado or tornado segment while on the ground (in feet)ENDING_LAT: Ending latitude (not available in all records).ENDING_LON: Ending longitude (not available in all records).Table Table_VTTORNADOS_Narratives FIELD DESCRIPTIONS:EVENT_ID: Unique ID assigned by NWS to note a single, small part that goes into a specific storm episode. Can join to EVENT_ID field of Climate_VTTORNADOS_point.EVENT_NARRATIVE: The event narrative provides more specific details of the individual event. The event narrative is provided by NWS.EPISODE_NARRATIVE: The episode narrative depicting the general nature and overall activity of the episode. The narrative is created by NWS. Ex: A strong upper level system over the southern Rockies lifted northeast across the plains causing an intense surface low pressure system and attendant warm front to lift into Nebraska.VCGI and the State of VT make no representations of any kind, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use, nor are any such warranties to be implied with respect to the data.

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climatedatasetClimateOther_VTTORNADOSisothemeClimatenodeVCGIsubthemeOthertopicClimateChangetornadosupdated20190611vcgi open dataweather
State of Vermont12 months ago