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Access Network Mapping (England)Source

The Access Network Map of England is a national composite dataset of Access layers, showing analysis of extent of Access provision for each Lower Super Output Area (LSOA), as a percentage or area coverage of access in England. The ‘Access Network Map’ was developed by Natural England to inform its work to improve opportunities for people to enjoy the natural environment.  This map shows, across England, the relative abundance of accessible land in relation to where people live. Due to issues explained below, the map does not, and cannot, provide a definitive statement of where intervention is necessary.  Rather, it should be used to identify areas of interest which require further exploration.   Natural England believes that places where people can enjoy the natural environment should be improved and created where they are most wanted.  Access Network Maps help support this work by providing means to assess the amount of accessible land available in relation to where people live.  They combine all the available good quality data on access provision into a single dataset and relate this to population.  This provides a common foundation for regional and national teams to use when targeting resources to improve public access to greenspace, or projects that rely on this resource. The Access Network Maps are compiled from the datasets available to Natural England which contain robust, nationally consistent data on land and routes that are normally available to the public and are free of charge.  Datasets contained in the aggregated data:•      Agri-environment scheme permissive access (routes and open access)•      CROW access land (including registered common land and Section 16)•      Country Parks•      Cycleways (Sustrans Routes) including Local/Regional/National and Link Routes•      Doorstep Greens•      Local Nature Reserves•      Millennium Greens•      National Nature Reserves (accessible sites only)•      National Trails•      Public Rights of Way•      Forestry Commission ‘Woods for People’ data•      Village Greens – point data only Due to the quantity and complexity of data used, it is not possible to display clearly on a single map the precise boundary of accessible land for all areas.  We therefore selected a unit which would be clearly visible at a variety of scales and calculated the total area (in hectares) of accessible land in each.  The units we selected are ‘Lower Super Output Areas’ (LSOAs), which represent where approximately 1,500 people live based on postcode.  To calculate the total area of accessible land for each we gave the linear routes a notional width of 3 metres so they could be measured in hectares.  We then combined together all the datasets and calculated the total hectares of accessible land in each LSOA. For further information about this data see the following links:Access Network Mapping GuidanceAccess Network Mapping Metadata Full metadata can be viewed on  

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Access and Green InfrastructureNatural Englandlandcoverpeopleurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
CRoW Act 2000 - Section 15 LandSource

This layer replaces the following (now deprecated) item for technical reasons - land subject to pre-existing public access rights that on CRoW access land apply instead of the CRoW rights.  The Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000 (CRoW Act) gives the public right of access to land mapped as open country (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land.Full metadata can be viewed on

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Access and Green InfrastructureDesignationsNatural Englandecologylandscapepeopleurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
CRoW Act 2000 - Section 16 Dedicated LandSource

Shows land mapped as dedicated access land under the Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000.  The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CRoW Act) gives the public right of access to land mapped as 'open country' (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. Full metadata can be viewed on

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DesignationsAccess and Green InfrastructureNatural Englandecologylandscapepeopleurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
Country Parks (England)Source

More than 400 Country Parks exist. They are public green spaces often at the edge of urban areas which provide places to enjoy the outdoors and experience nature in an informal semi-rural park setting. Country Parks normally have some facilities such as a car park, toilets, perhaps a cafe or kiosk, paths and trails, and visitor information. There is not necessarily a public right of access, although most are publicly accessible; some charge entry others do not. Most are owned and managed by Local Authorities. Many Country Parks were designated in the 1970s by the then Countryside Commission, under the Countryside Act 1968. More recently Country Parks have been created under a less formal arrangement and Natural England is working with partners to encourage a renaissance and accreditation of parks which meet certain criteria. The dataset contains boundaries of each Country Park, digitised against Ordnance Survey MasterMap using source maps supplied by Local Authorities.Full metadata can be viewed on

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Access and Green InfrastructureNatural Englandpeopleurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
Creative Class County Codes

The creative class thesis—that towns need to attract engineers, architects, artists, and people in other creative occupations to compete in today's economy—may be particularly relevant to rural communities, which tend to lose much of their talent when young adults leave. The ERS creative class codes indicate a county's share of population employed in occupations that require "thinking creatively." Variables used to construct the ERS creative class measure include number and percent employed in creative class occupations and a metro/nonmetro indicator for all counties, 1990, 2000, and 2007-11. A break-out of employment in the arts is included.

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Creative classEconomic Research ServiceUSDAartistscounty codeseconomic researchnonmetrooccupationpopulation growthruraltalenttechnologyurban
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Development Plan (Land Use) Zoning, IrelandSource

This Layer depicts the location, extent and details of Development (Land Use) Zones in Ireland. It is a standardised composite of Local Authority  zoning from individual Development Plans and was developed for the MyPlan Project ( The Layer represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan.

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Doorstep Greens (England) PointsSource

The Doorstep Greens initiative provides new or renovated areas of public open space close to people's homes that could be enjoyed permanently by the local community. The initiative is a joint Natural England and New Opportunities Fund project. The initiative is aimed at targeting communities who experience disadvantage and where regeneration of the local environment and outdoor recreation provision is sorely needed. They could be small or large, and in urban or rural locations. Full metadata can be viewed on

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DesignationsNatural Englandgreenspacepeopleurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
Doorstep Greens (England) PolygonsSource

The Doorstep Greens initiative provides new or renovated areas of public open space close to people's homes that could be enjoyed permanently by the local community. The initiative is a joint Natural England and New Opportunities Fund project. The initiative is aimed at targeting communities who experience disadvantage and where regeneration of the local environment and outdoor recreation provision is sorely needed. They could be small or large, and in urban or rural locations.  Full metadata can be viewed on

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DesignationsNatural Englandgreenspacepeopleurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
Dublin Authority BoundariesSource

Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2017Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 4 2017 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market.

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2017DublinHousingPlanning ApplicationsQ4Task Forcedgihousingopen dataurban
Dublin Housing Task Force Q1 2018Source

Dublin Housing Task Force Q1 2018 Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 1 2018 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market. This remit includes monitoring relevant housing data on the supply of viable and market-ready approved developments.

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2018DublinHousingPlanning ApplicationsQ1dgihousingopen datatask forceurban
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Dublin Housing Task Force Q2 2018Source

Dublin Housing Task Force Q2 2018Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 2 2018 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market

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2018HousingPlanning ApplicationsQ2dgihousingopen datatask forceurban
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Dublin Housing Task Force Q2 2018 Tier 1 Sites with planning permissionSource

Dublin Housing Task Force Q2 2018Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 2 2018 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market

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2018HousingPlanning ApplicationsQ2dgihousingopen datatask forceurban
Dublin Housing Task Force Q2 2019Source

Dublin Housing Task Force Q2 2019Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 2 2019 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market.

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2019DublinHousingOpen DataPlanning ApplicationsQ2Task Forcedgihousingurban
HTMLJSON months ago
Dublin Housing Task Force Q3 2018Source

Dublin Housing Task Force Q3 2018Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 3 2018 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market. This remit includes monitoring relevant housing data on the supply of viable and market-ready approved developments.

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2018DublinHousingOpen DataPlanning ApplicationsQ3Q3 2018Task Forcedgihousingurban
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Dublin Housing Task Force Q3 2018 Tier 1 Sites with planning permissionSource

Dublin Housing Task Force Q3 2018Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 3 2018 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market. This remit includes monitoring relevant housing data on the supply of viable and market-ready approved developments.

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2018DublinHousingOpen DataPlanning ApplicationsQ3Q3 2018Task Forcedgihousingurban
Dublin Housing Task Force Q3 2018 Tier 2a Sites with planning applications under considerationSource

Dublin Housing Task Force Q3 2018Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 3 2018 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market. This remit includes monitoring relevant housing data on the supply of viable and market-ready approved developments.

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2018DublinHousingOpen DataPlanning ApplicationsQ3Q3 2018Task Forcedgihousingurban
Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2017Source

Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2017Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 4 2017 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market.

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2017DublinHousingPlanning ApplicationsQ4Task Forcedgihousingopen dataurban
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Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2017 Tier 1 Sites with planning permissionSource

Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2017Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 4 2017 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market.

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2017DublinHousingPlanning ApplicationsQ4Task Forcedgihousingopen dataurban
Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2017 Tier 2a Sites with planning applications under considerationSource

Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2017Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 4 2017 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market.

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2017DublinHousingPlanning ApplicationsQ4Task Forcedgihousingopen dataurban
England Coast Path Coastal MarginSource

Polygon dataset showing all approved stretches of the England Coast Path Coastal Margin. The Coastal Margin is being created by Natural England under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. All land within the 'coastal margin' (where it already exists) is associated with the England Coast Path and is by default access land, but in some areas it contains land not subject to access rights - for example cropped land, buildings and their curtilage, gardens and land subject to local restrictions including many areas of saltmarsh and flat that are not suitable for public access. The coastal margin is often steep, unstable and not readily accessible. Please take careful note of conditions and local signage on the ground.Full metadata can be viewed on

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DesignationsNatural Englandpeopleplacesurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
England Coast Path RouteSource

Line dataset showing all approved stretches of the England Coast Path Route. The England Coast Path Route is a new National Trail being created by Natural England under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. The England Coast Path will be the longest managed and way-marked coastal path in the world.Full metadata can be viewed on

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DesignationsNatural Englandpeopleplacesurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
France Gridded Square 200mSource

A shapefile of gridded squares for French urban centre 200 metre grid with following fields:id: Identifier unique to this urban centre population: Global Human Settlement Layer population estimate within 200 metre cellgeometry: Grid polygons within_uc: Whether the 200 metre cell is within the defined urban centreaccess_pop: The median sum population that can be reached from the centroid of the 200 metre cell within a 45 minute commute by walking, bus and trainproxim_pop: The sum proximal population within an 11.25 kilometre radius of the centroid of the 200 metre celltrans_perf: The transport performance of the 200 metre cell. The percentage ratio of accessible to proximal populationcity_nm: Name of the urban centrecountry_nm: Name of the country that the urban centre belongs to

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Office for National Statistics (ONS)5 months ago

This dataset contains the merged Planning Registers of participating Irish Local Authorities and includes all Planning Applications received since 2012.

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.sdArcGISIrelandService Definitiondemographicsdevelopmentdgihousinghousingnpadparcelspetalplanningpopulationurban
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Local Area Plan (Land Use) Zoning, IrelandSource

This Layer depicts the location, extent and details of Local Area Plan (Land Use) Zones in Ireland. It is a standardised composite of Local Authority zoning from individual Local Area Plans developed for the Myplan project ( represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan.

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Millennium Greens (England) PointsSource

The Millennium Greens initiative set out to provide new areas of public open space close to people's homes that could be enjoyed permanently by the local community, in time to mark the start of the third millennium. They were to be breathing spaces - places for relaxation, play and enjoyment of nature and pleasant surroundings. They could be small or large, and in urban or rural locations. Full metadata can be viewed on

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DesignationsNatural Englandgreenspacepeopleurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
Millennium Greens (England) PolygonsSource

The Millennium Greens initiative set out to provide new areas of public open space close to people's homes that could be enjoyed permanently by the local community, in time to mark the start of the third millennium. They were to be breathing spaces - places for relaxation, play and enjoyment of nature and pleasant surroundings. They could be small or large, and in urban or rural locations. Full metadata can be viewed on

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DesignationsNatural Englandgreenspacepeopleurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
National Parks (England)Source

National Parks are run by National Park Authorities for the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage and to provide opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the Park by the public.Alterations: Yorkshire Dales and Lake District National Park (Designation) boundaries modified 1st August 2016. South Downs National Park (Designation) modified on 2nd June 2010.Full metadata can be viewed on

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DesignationsNatural Englandecologylandscapepeopleurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
National Trails (England)Source

Linear dataset showing the extent of National Trails.  For more information visit the National Trails website.  National Trails are long distance walking, cycling and horse riding routes through the best landscapes in England and Wales. There are 15 National Trails. Walkers can enjoy them all, cyclists and horse riders can enjoy the Pennine Bridleway and the South Downs Way, as well as sections of the other Trails. In total, England and Wales have around 2,500 miles (4,000 Km) of National Trail. The England Coast Path will be the newest (and longest) National Trail when it is complete in 2020. Full metadata can be viewed on

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Natural Englandpeopleurban
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)11 months ago
Other Plans (Land Use) Zoning, IrelandSource

This Layer depicts the location, extent and details of Land Use Zones in Ireland not already defined in Development Plans or Local Area Plans. It is a standardised composite of Local Authority zoning from individual Plans developed for the Myplan project ( This represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan.

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Planning Application PointsSource

This dataset contains the merged Planning Registers of participating Irish Local Authorities and includes all Planning Applications received since 2012.

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.sdArcGISIrelandService Definitiondemographicsdevelopmentdgihousinghousingnpadparcelspetalplanningpopulationurban
Planning Application SitesSource

This dataset contains the merged Planning Registers of participating Irish Local Authorities and includes all Planning Applications received since 2012.

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.sdArcGISIrelandService Definitiondemographicsdevelopmentdgihousinghousingnpadparcelspetalplanningpopulationurban
Population Indicators

Explore the Saudi Arabia Population Data with key indicators such as GDP, education, healthcare, environment, and more. Find insights and trends for Bahrain, China, India, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates. Imports of goods and services, Time required to start a business, Population, School enrollment, Surface area, Agriculture, Fertility rate, Forest area, Net migration, GDP, Personal remittances, GNI, School enrollment, Primary completion rate, Merchandise trade, Population density, Exports, Total debt service, Poverty headcount ratio, Official development assistance, Tax revenue, Births attended by skilled health staff, Foreign direct investment, High-technology exports, Freshwater withdrawals, Protected areas, Revenue, Inflation, Military expenditure, Urban population growth, Domestic credit, Industry value added, Life expectancy, Unemployment, Wholesale price index, Water productivity, Emissions intensity, Electricity consumption, Capital formation, Income savings, Literacy rate, Wage rate, Rural poverty, Agriculture cost, CPI, Exchange rate, GINI, Consumption, Renewable energy, Trade, Investment, ATM, Currency, Land Bahrain, China, India, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab EmiratesFollow for timely data to advance energy economics research..

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EmissionsATMAccountAgricultureCO2CPICapitalConsumptionCostCurrencyDeflatorDomesticElectricityEmployment EnergyExchangeExpenditureExportFormationGDPGFCFGINIHouseholdImportIncomeIndexInflationIntensityInvestmentLaborLandLiteracyPopulationPovertyPriceProductionRateRenewbaleRuralSavingsTradeUnemploymentWageWaterWholesaleproductivityurban
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)4 months ago
Population-Interaction Zones for Agriculture (PIZA)

Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. The PIZA codes index small geographic areas (the contiguous 48 States divided up into five-kilometer grid cells) according to the size and proximity of population concentrations. Widespread conversion of rural lands to urban uses has drawn attention at all levels of government. To provide information useful for projections of future changes in land use, ERS has created a system to classify remaining farmland into "population-interaction zones for agriculture" (PIZA). These zones represent areas of agricultural land use in which urban-related activities (residential, commercial, and industrial) affect the economic and social environment of agriculture. In these zones, interactions between urban-related population and farm production activities tend to increase the value of farmland, change the production practices and enterprises of farm operators, and elevate the probability that farmland will be converted to urban-related uses.

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agricultural economicsland useruralurban
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Rural DefinitionsSource

Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. Dozens of definitions are currently used by Federal and State agencies, researchers, and policymakers. The ERS Rural Definitions data product allows users to make comparisons among nine representative rural definitions. Methods of designating the urban periphery range from the use of municipal boundaries to definitions based on counties. Definitions based on municipal boundaries may classify as rural much of what would typically be considered suburban. Definitions that delineate the urban periphery based on counties may include extensive segments of a county that many would consider rural. We have selected a representative set of nine alternative rural definitions and compare social and economic indicators from the 2000 decennial census across the nine definitions. We chose socioeconomic indicators (population, education, poverty, etc.) that are commonly used to highlight differences between urban and rural areas.

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ruralrural sociologyurban
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Rural-Urban Commuting Area CodesSource

The rural-urban commuting area codes (RUCA) classify U.S. census tracts using measures of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting from the decennial census. The most recent RUCA codes are based on data from the 2000 decennial census. The classification contains two levels. Whole numbers (1-10) delineate metropolitan, micropolitan, small town, and rural commuting areas based on the size and direction of the primary (largest) commuting flows. These 10 codes are further subdivided to permit stricter or looser delimitation of commuting areas, based on secondary (second largest) commuting flows. The approach errs in the direction of more codes, providing flexibility in combining levels to meet varying definitional needs and preferences. The 1990 codes are similarly defined. However, the Census Bureau's methods of defining urban cores and clusters changed between the two censuses. And, census tracts changed in number and shapes. The 2000 rural-urban commuting codes are not directly comparable with the 1990 codes because of these differences. An update of the Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes is planned for late 2013.

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metrononmetroruralrural sociologyurban
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Rural-Urban Continuum Codes

The 2013 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes form a classification scheme that distinguishes metropolitan counties by the population size of their metro area, and nonmetropolitan counties by degree of urbanization and adjacency to a metro area. The official Office of Management and Budget (OMB) metro and nonmetro categories have been subdivided into three metro and six nonmetro categories. Each county in the U.S. is assigned one of the 9 codes. This scheme allows researchers to break county data into finer residential groups, beyond metro and nonmetro, particularly for the analysis of trends in nonmetro areas that are related to population density and metro influence. The Rural-Urban Continuum Codes were originally developed in 1974. They have been updated each decennial since (1983, 1993, 2003, 2013), and slightly revised in 1988. Note that the 2013 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes are not directly comparable with the codes prior to 2000 because of the new methodology used in developing the 2000 metropolitan areas. See the Documentation for details and a map of the codes. An update of the Rural-Urban Continuum Codes is planned for mid-2023.

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metrononmetroruralrural sociologyurban
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
State Fact Sheets

State fact sheets provide information on population, income, education, employment, federal funds, organic agriculture, farm characteristics, farm financial indicators, top commodities, and exports, for each State in the United States. Links to county-level data are included when available.

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Census of AgricultureU S State FactUS Department of Agricultureacresagricultural exportsagricultural salesagricultural sector outputanimal outputaverage age of farmerscapital consumptioncertified organic farmschangeconservation and wetland reserve programcroplanddebtearnings per jobemploymentemployment changefact sheetfactsfamily farmsfamily held corporationsfarm assetsfarm income and balance sheetfarm organizationfarm receiptsfarm related jobsfarm sizefarmlandfarms by salesfinal crop outputfinancial indicatorsincomeland areametrononmetronumber of farmsorganicpasturelandper-capita incomepopulationpoverty raterank among statesruralsole proprietorshipstatestate factstenure of farmer agricultural commoditiestop countiestotaltotal number of jobstradeunemploymentunemployment rateurbanwoodland
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Tier 1 Sites with planning permissionSource

Dublin Housing Task Force Q1 2018 Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 1 2018 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market. This remit includes monitoring relevant housing data on the supply of viable and market-ready approved developments.

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2018DublinHousingPlanning ApplicationsQ1dgihousingopen datatask forceurban
Tier 1 Sites with planning permissionSource

Dublin Housing Task Force Q2 2019Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 2 2019 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market.

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2019DublinHousingOpen DataPlanning ApplicationsQ2Task Forcedgihousingurban
Tier 2a Sites with planning applications under considerationSource

Dublin Housing Task Force Q1 2018 Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 1 2018 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market. This remit includes monitoring relevant housing data on the supply of viable and market-ready approved developments.

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2018DublinHousingPlanning ApplicationsQ1dgihousingopen datatask forceurban
Tier 2a Sites with planning applications under considerationSource

Dublin Housing Task Force Q2 2018Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 2 2018 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market

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2018HousingPlanning ApplicationsQ2dgihousingopen datatask forceurban
Tier 2a Sites with planning applications under considerationSource

Dublin Housing Task Force Q2 2019Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 2 2019 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of the Sector to create and sustain jobs and to grow the sector to a sustainable level consistent with the demands of a modern economy.Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin.Action 2 of Construction 2020 commits to the establishment of a Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce for Dublin. Accordingly, the Task Force was established in June 2014 and comprises of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the four Dublin local authorities (Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown), NAMA and other agencies, with the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council as chair.The focus of the Task Force is to address supply-related issues to the delivery of housing units in the Dublin region. The group are working together to identify housing developments that have planning permission and that are capable of delivering housing to the market.

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2019DublinHousingOpen DataPlanning ApplicationsQ2Task Forcedgihousingurban
Total Road Length by Category of Roads

This dataset contains information about india's total road length by category from 1951.Data from Open Government Data Platform.

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King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)4 months ago
Transport Performance Statistics by 200 metre grids for subset of Urban Centres in FranceSource

Experimental public transit transport performance statistics by 200 metre grids for a subset of urban centres in France, with the following fields (Note: These data are experimental, please see the Methods and Known Limitations/Caveats Sections for more details).AttributeDescriptionidUnique IdentifierpopulationGlobal Human Settlement Layer population estimate downsampled to 200 metre (represents the total population across adjacent 100 metre cells)access_popThe total population that can reach the destination cell within 45 minutes using the public transit network (origins within 11.25 kilometres of the destination cell)proxim_popThe total population within an 11.25 kilometre radius of the destination celltrans_perfThe transport performance of the 200 metre cell. The percentage ratio of accessible to proximal populationcity_nmName of the urban centrecountry_nmName of the country that the urban centre belongs toMethods: For more information please visit: ·        Python Package: ·        Docker Image:  Known Limitations/Caveats: These data are experimental – see the ONS guidance on experimental statistics for more details. They are being published at this early stage to involve potential users and stakeholders in assessing their quality and suitability. The known caveats and limitations of these experimental statistics are summarised below. Urban Centre and Population Estimates: ·        Population estimates are derived from data using a hybrid method of satellite imagery and national censuses. The alignment of national census boundaries to gridded estimates introduce measurement errors, particularly in newer housing and built-up developments. See section 2.5 of the GHSL technical report release 2023A for more details. Public Transit Schedule Data (GTFS): ·        Does not include effects due to delays (such as congestion and diversions). ·        Common GTFS issues are resolved during preprocessing where possible, including removing trips with unrealistic fast travel between stops, cleaning IDs, cleaning arrival/departure times, route name deduplication, dropping stops with no stop times, removing undefined parent stations, and dropping trips, shapes, and routes with no stops. Certain GTFS cleaning steps were not possible in all instances, and in those cases the impacted steps were skipped. Additional work is required to further support GTFS validation and cleaning.  Transport Network Routing: ·        “Trapped” centroids: the centroid of destination cells on very rare occasions falls on a private road/pathway. Routing to these cells cannot be performed. This greatly decreases the transport performance in comparison with the neighbouring cells. Potential solutions include interpolation based on neighbouring cells or snapping to the nearest public OSM node (and adjusting the travel time accordingly). Further development to adapt the method for this consideration is necessary. Please also visit the Python package and Docker Image GitHub issues pages for more details.   How to Contribute: We hope that the public, other public sector organisations, and National Statistics Institutions can collaborate and build on these data, to help improve the international comparability of statistics and enable higher frequency and more timely comparisons. We welcome feedback and contribution either through GitHub or by contacting

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Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Transport Performance Statistics by 200 metre grids for subset of Urban Centres in GBSource

Experimental public transit transport performance statistics by 200 metre grids for a subset of urban centres in Great Britain, with the following fields (Note: These data are experimental, please see the Methods and Known Limitations/Caveats Sections for more details).AttributeDescriptionidUnique IdentifierpopulationGlobal Human Settlement Layer population estimate downsampled to 200 metre (represents the total population across adjacent 100 metre cells)access_popThe total population that can reach the destination cell within 45 minutes using the public transit network (origins within 11.25 kilometres of the destination cell)proxim_popThe total population within an 11.25 kilometre radius of the destination celltrans_perfThe transport performance of the 200 metre cell. The percentage ratio of accessible to proximal populationcity_nmName of the urban centrecountry_nmName of the country that the urban centre belongs toMethods: For more information please visit: ·        Python Package: ·        Docker Image:  Known Limitations/Caveats: These data are experimental – see the ONS guidance on experimental statistics for more details. They are being published at this early stage to involve potential users and stakeholders in assessing their quality and suitability. The known caveats and limitations of these experimental statistics are summarised below. Urban Centre and Population Estimates: ·        Population estimates are derived from data using a hybrid method of satellite imagery and national censuses. The alignment of national census boundaries to gridded estimates introduce measurement errors, particularly in newer housing and built-up developments. See section 2.5 of the GHSL technical report release 2023A for more details. Public Transit Schedule Data (GTFS): ·        Does not include effects due to delays (such as congestion and diversions). ·        Common GTFS issues are resolved during preprocessing where possible, including removing trips with unrealistic fast travel between stops, cleaning IDs, cleaning arrival/departure times, route name deduplication, dropping stops with no stop times, removing undefined parent stations, and dropping trips, shapes, and routes with no stops. Certain GTFS cleaning steps were not possible in all instances, and in those cases the impacted steps were skipped. Additional work is required to further support GTFS validation and cleaning.  Transport Network Routing: ·        “Trapped” centroids: the centroid of destination cells on very rare occasions falls on a private road/pathway. Routing to these cells cannot be performed. This greatly decreases the transport performance in comparison with the neighbouring cells. Potential solutions include interpolation based on neighbouring cells or snapping to the nearest public OSM node (and adjusting the travel time accordingly). Further development to adapt the method for this consideration is necessary. Please also visit the Python package and Docker Image GitHub issues pages for more details.   How to Contribute: We hope that the public, other public sector organisations, and National Statistics Institutions can collaborate and build on these data, to help improve the international comparability of statistics and enable higher frequency and more timely comparisons. We welcome feedback and contribution either through GitHub or by contacting

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Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Turfgrass Soil Carbon Change Through Time: Raw Data and Code

Data Description Managed turfgrass is a common component of urban landscapes that is expanding under current land use trends. Previous studies have reported high rates of soil carbon sequestration in turfgrass, but no systematic review has summarized these rates nor evaluated how they change as turfgrass ages. We conducted a meta-analysis of soil carbon sequestration rates from 63 studies. Those data, as well as the code used to analyze them and create figures, are shared here. Dataset Development We conducted a systematic review from Nov 2020 to Jan 2021 using Google Scholar, Web of Science, and the Michigan Turfgrass Information File Database. The search terms targeted were "soil carbon", "carbon sequestration", "carbon storage", or “carbon stock”, with "turf", "turfgrass", "lawn", "urban ecosystem", or "residential", “Fescue”, “Zoysia”, “Poa”, “Cynodon”, “Bouteloua”, “Lolium”, or “Agrostis”. We included only peer-reviewed studies written in English that measured SOC change over one year or longer, and where grass was managed as turf (mowed or clipped regularly). We included studies that sampled to any soil depth, and included several methodologies: small-plot research conducted over a few years (22 datasets from 4 articles), chronosequences of golf courses or residential lawns (39 datasets from 16 articles), and one study that was a variation on a chronosequence method and compiled long-term soil test data provided by golf courses of various ages (3 datasets from Qian & Follett, 2002). In total, 63 datasets from 21 articles met the search criteria. We excluded 1) duplicate reports of the same data, 2) small plot studies that did not report baseline SOC stocks, and 3) pure modeling studies. We included five papers that only measured changes in SOC concentrations, but not areal stocks (i.e., SOC in Mg ha-1). For these papers, we converted from concentrations to stocks using several approaches. For two papers (Law & Patton, 2017; Y. Qian & Follett, 2002) we used estimated bulk densities provided by the authors. For the chronosequences reported in Selhorst & Lal (2011), we used the average bulk density reported by the author. For the 13 choronosequences reported in Selhorst & Lal (2013), we estimated bulk density from the average relationship between percent C and bulk density reported by Selhorst (2011). For Wang et al. (2014), we used bulk density values from official soil survey descriptions. Data provenance In most cases we contacted authors of the studies to obtain the original data. If authors did not reply after two inquiries, or no longer had access to the data, we captured data from published figures using WebPlotDigitizer (Rohatgi, 2021). For three manuscripts the data was already available, or partially available, in public data repositories. Data provenance information is provided in the document "Dataset summaries and citations.docx". Recommended Uses We recommend the following to data users: Consult and cite the original manuscripts for each dataset, which often provide additional information about turfgrass management, experimental methods, and environmental context. Original citations are provided in the document "Dataset summaries and citations.docx". For datasets that were previously published in public repositories, consult and cite the original datasets, which may provide additional data on turfgrass management practices, soil nitrogen, and natural reference sites. Links to repositories are in the document "Dataset summaries and citations.docx". Consider contacting the dataset authors to notify them of your plans to use the data, and to offer co-authorship as appropriate.

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Climate ChangeNP212greenhouse gas emissionslawnsoil carbon sequestrationturfgrassurban
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
UK Gridded Square 200mSource

A shapefile of gridded squares for UK urban centre 200 metre grid with following fields:id: Identifier unique to this urban centre population: Global Human Settlement Layer population estimate within 200 metre cellgeometry: Grid polygons within_uc: Whether the 200 metre cell is within the defined urban centreaccess_pop: The median sum population that can be reached from the centroid of the 200 metre cell within a 45 minute commute by walking, bus and trainproxim_pop: The sum proximal population within an 11.25 kilometre radius of the centroid of the 200 metre celltrans_perf: The transport performance of the 200 metre cell. The percentage ratio of accessible to proximal populationcity_nm: Name of the urban centrecountry_nm: Name of the country that the urban centre belongs to

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Office for National Statistics (ONS)5 months ago
Urban Influence Codes

The 2013 Urban Influence Codes form a classification scheme that distinguishes metropolitan counties by population size of their metro area, and nonmetropolitan counties by size of the largest city or town and proximity to metro and micropolitan areas. The standard Office of Management and Budget (OMB) metro and nonmetro categories have been subdivided into two metro and 10 nonmetro categories, resulting in a 12-part county classification. This scheme was originally developed in 1993. This scheme allows researchers to break county data into finer residential groups, beyond metro and nonmetro, particularly for the analysis of trends in nonmetro areas that are related to population density and metro influence. An update of the Urban Influence Codes is planned for mid-2023.

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metrononmetroruralrural sociologyurban
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Washington State City Urban Growth AreasSource

Combined incorporated city limit boundaries and unincorporated Urban Growth Areas (UGA) as defined by the Growth Management Act. Updates made in 2020 were made by collecting city limits and urban growth area boundary information from each of Washington's 39 counties, where available, and the Washington State Department of Transportation.  Layer updated to on May 17, 2021.

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The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Washington State City Urban Growth AreasSource

Combined incorporated city limit boundaries and unincorporated Urban Growth Areas (UGA) as defined by the Growth Management Act. Updates carried out in 2020 were made by collecting city limits and urban growth area boundary information from each of Washington's 39 counties, where available, and the Washington State Department of Transportation. Layer last updated on May 17th, 2021.  Republished in Nov. 21, 2022 to streamline the feature service name.

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The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago