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Consumer Price Index and Inflation

Explore the Consumer Price Index dataset for Oman, featuring information on inflation, commodity prices, index values, and more. Analyze % changes in prices, weights, and base year 2012 values. Price, Inflation, Commodity, value, weight, Index Value, Consumer Price Index (Base Year 2012), % OmanFollow for timely data to advance energy economics research..

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King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)4 months ago
Foreign Agricultural Trade of the United States (FATUS)

The Foreign Agricultural Trade of the United States (FATUS) data page provides U.S. agricultural exports and imports, volume and value, by country and by commodity.

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FATUSHTSU S exportsU S importsagricultural economicsagricultural tradebulkby commodityby countryexport destinationhigh-valueimport sourcemerchandise tradevalue
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
WaterWorld is home to a range of web-based policy support systems developed, since 2003, collaboratively by AmbioTEK CIC, and applied by King's College London and a range of other partners as specified for each system. The systems are based on the common ecoengine framework for developing web based policy support systems (AmbioTEK) and SimTerra databases (AmbioTEK) but are very varied in their applications (King's College London). Applications in the Policy Support Suite include: WaterWorld: a testbed for the development and implementation of land and water related policies for sites and regions globally, enabling their intended and unintended consequences to be tested in silico before they are tested in vivo. WaterWorld can also be used to understand the hydrological and water resources baseline and water risk factors associated with specific activities under current conditions and under scenarios for land use, land management and climate change. It incorporates detailed spatial datasets at 1-square km and 1 hectare resolution for the entire world, spatial models for biophysical and socio-economic processes along with scenarios for climate, land use and economic change. A series of interventions (policy options) are available which can be implemented and their consequences traced through the socio-economic and biophysical systems. The model integrates with a range of geobrowsers for immersive visualisation of outcomes. AguAAndes: a testbed for the development and implementation of land and water related policies in the Andes, enabling intended and unintended consequences to be tested in silico before they are tested in vivo . It incorporates detailed spatial datasets at 1-square km and 1 hectare resolution for the entire Andes, spatial models for biophysical and socioeconomic processes along with scenarios for climate, land use and economic change. A series of interventions (policy options) are available which can be implemented and their consequences traced through the socio-economic and biophysical systems. CompAndes: a web based tool based on AguAAndes and is developed as a Negotiation Support System (NSS) for negotiations around benefit sharing mechanisms for water. This NSS is a testbed for negotiations around benefit sharing mechanisms for water focusing on sustaining equitable flows of water for all through appropriate land, ecosystem and water management. It is focused on enabling the intended and unintended consequences of benefit sharing mechanisms to be tested in silico before they are tested in vivo. Co$ting Nature: a web based tool for natural capital accounting and analysing the ecosystem services provided by natural environments (i.e. nature's benefits), identifying the beneficiaries of these services and assessing the impacts of human interventions. This PSS is a testbed for the development and implementation of conservation strategies focused on sustaining and improving ecosystem services. MENARA: a web based policy support system for understanding strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) at scales from pixel through regional to national considering environment, water, energy, food, economy and population. It is an horizon scanning tool to identify material threats, opportunities and choke points that may precipitate conflict and is designed to help to think through locally appropriate policy responses. FIESTA-FOGINT: a research model to quantify fog inputs in absolute terms and as a proportion of rainfall. Commonly applied to tropical montane cloud affected forests. Also maps the distribution of these forests. EcoActuary: a testbed for the development and implementation of green and grey infrastructure investments focused on reducing the risk to insured assets of multi-hazard risks, including flooding and drought. It incorporates detailed spatial datasets at 1-square km and 1 hectare resolution for the entire world, spatial models for biophysical and socioeconomic processes along with scenarios for climate, land use and economic change. A series of investments can be implemented and their consequences traced through the socio-economic and biophysical systems. An actuary determines the probability (and financial consequences) of risks. They work with accountants, underwriters (and catastrophe modellers) to set insurance rates (premiums). The Eco:Actuary determines mitigation of risk by specific configurations of green infrastructure (GI) and by asset adaptation. It helps understand the asset value protected by GI, alongside other GI co-benefits (ecosystem services). The Eco:Actuary helps advise risk reduction, resilience to avoid losses.

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baselinebiophysicalclimate changecloudconservationdewdroughtecosystem servicesenergyfloodfogfoodgreengreyhydrologyinfrastructureland and water policyland usenegotiationprobabilityrisksharingsocioeconomicspatial modeltransboundaryvaluewaterwater resources
King's College Londonover 1 year ago