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AQUASTAT DatabaseSource

The AQUASTAT portal enables users to access the core database of country statistics, focused on water resources, water uses and agricultural water management. Along with it, other water information in the form of complementary databases, such as the irrigated crop calendars and the sub-national irrigation areas databases, the detailed database on dams and reservoirs and the water-and agriculture-related institutions database are available. The glossary is also an important component of AQUASTAT, offering multilingual definitions of 500+ water-related terms and key indicators, including detailed reference sources and links to related terms.

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Absolute water scarcityAccess and controlActual evapotranspirationAgricultural water managementAgricultural water withdrawalAgricultural water withdrawal as of total renewable water resourcesAgricultural water withdrawal as of total water withdrawalAgricultureAgro-ecological zonesAquiferAquitardArable land areaArea equipped for full control irrigation actually irrigatedArea equipped for full control irrigation sprinkler irrigationArea equipped for full control irrigation surface irrigationArea equipped for full control irrigation totalArea equipped for irrigation actually irrigatedArea equipped for irrigation by desalinated waterArea equipped for irrigation by direct use of agricultural drainage waterArea equipped for irrigation by direct use of non-treated municipal wastewaterArea equipped for irrigation by direct use of not treated municipal wastewaterArea equipped for irrigation by direct use of treated municipal wastewaterArea equipped for irrigation by mixed surface water and groundwaterArea equipped for irrigation drainedArea equipped for irrigation equipped lowland areasArea equipped for irrigation spate irrigationArea equipped for irrigation totalArea equipped for power irrigation surface water or groundwaterArea salinized by irrigationArea waterlogged by irrigationAvailable waterBase flowBasin irrigationBenchBeneficial consumption of water in agricultureBeneficial use of waterBio-drainageBlue waterBorderstrip irrigationBundCapacity of the municipal wastewater treatment facilitiesCapital costCatchment areaChronic water scarcityCisternClimateCollected municipal wastewaterCommand area for irrigationConservation agriculture areaConservation agriculture area as of arable land areaConsumed waterConsumptive water useContingent valuationContour lineConveyance canalConveyance efficiencyConveyance lossesCorrugation irrigationCost of waterCost-benefit analysisCrop calendarCrop consumptive water useCrop irrigation water requirementCrop water productivityCrop water requirementCrop yieldCropping intensityCropping systemCropsCultivated wetlands and inland valley bottoms non-equippedCut-off drainDamDam capacity per capitaDam siltingDemand economyDemand management of water resourcesDependency ratioDesalinated water producedDesalinationDirect use of agricultural drainage waterDirect use of not treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposesDirect use of treated municipal wastewaterDirect use valueDistribution system efficiencyDiversion channelDomestic water withdrawalDrainDrainageDrainage BasinDrip irrigationDroughtEconomic efficiencyEconomic value of unit of irrigation waterEconomically active populationEffective precipitationEffluentEnvironmental Flow RequirementsEnvironmental impact assessmentEvaporationEvapotranspirationEvapotranspirationExploitable irregular renewable surface waterExploitable regular renewable surface waterExploitable total renewable surface waterFarm irrigation efficiencyField application efficiencyField canal efficiencyFloodFlood control worksFlood irrigationFlood recession cropping areaFlood recession cropping area non-equippedFlood water harvestingFlood-protected areaFlowFodderFood securityFossil GroundwaterFree floodingFresh groundwater withdrawalFresh surface water withdrawalFreshwaterFully automatic irrigation systemFungicideFurrowFurrow irrigationGDP per capitaGenderGender EqualityGender EquityGender Inequality Index GIIGender analysisGender mainstreamingGlacierGlobal WarmingGravity irrigationGreen waterGreenhouse effectGreenhouse gases GHGsGross irrigation water requirementGroundwaterGroundwater accounted inflowGroundwater accounted outflow to other countriesGroundwater balanceGroundwater entering the country totalGroundwater leaving the country to other countries totalGroundwater produced internallyGroundwater rechargeGroundwater tableGullyHarvest indexHarvested irrigated permanent crop area CitrusHarvested irrigated permanent crop area Cocoa beansHarvested irrigated permanent crop area CoconutsHarvested irrigated permanent crop area CoffeeHarvested irrigated permanent crop area GrapesHarvested irrigated permanent crop area Grass and FodderHarvested irrigated permanent crop area Oil palmHarvested irrigated permanent crop area OlivesHarvested irrigated permanent crop area Other cropsHarvested irrigated permanent crop area Other fruitsHarvested irrigated permanent crop area PlantainsHarvested irrigated permanent crop area TeaHarvested irrigated permanent crop area TotalHarvested irrigated temporary crop area BarleyHarvested irrigated temporary crop area CassavaHarvested irrigated temporary crop area CottonHarvested irrigated temporary crop area FlowersHarvested irrigated temporary crop area FodderHarvested irrigated temporary crop area GroundnutsHarvested irrigated temporary crop area Leguminous cropsHarvested irrigated temporary crop area MaizeHarvested irrigated temporary crop area MilletHarvested irrigated temporary crop area Other cerealsHarvested irrigated temporary crop area Other cropsHarvested irrigated temporary crop area Other roots and tubersHarvested irrigated temporary crop area RiceHarvested irrigated temporary crop area SesameHarvested irrigated temporary crop area SorghumHarvested irrigated temporary crop area SoybeansHarvested irrigated temporary crop area Sugar beetHarvested irrigated temporary crop area SugarcaneHarvested irrigated temporary crop area SunflowerHarvested irrigated temporary crop area Sweet potatoesHarvested irrigated temporary crop area TobaccoHarvested irrigated temporary crop area TotalHarvested irrigated temporary crop area VegetablesHarvested irrigated temporary crop area WheatHuman Development Index HDIImpoundmentIn-stream water useIndirect opportunity costIndirect use valueIndividual irrigation systemsIndustrial water withdrawalIndustrial water withdrawal as of total water withdrawalInformal IrrigationInland Valley BottomIntegrated water resources management IWRMInterannual variability WRIInterest economyIntrinsic valueIrrigated crop calendarIrrigationIrrigation Management TransferIrrigation efficiencyIrrigation frequencyIrrigation potentialIrrigation schedulingIrrigation schemeIrrigation water requirementIrrigation water withdrawalIrrigationIrrigation consumptive water useKareze or Qanat or KanatLand coverLand evaluation and classificationLand levellingLand resourcesLand surveyingLand useLand use planningLandformLandscapeLeaching requirementLift irrigationLocalized irrigationLong-term average annual precipitation in depthLong-term average annual precipitation in volumeLow flowLowlandMDG 7.5. Freshwater withdrawal as of total renewable water resourcesMalnutritionMangroveMarketMarshMicro-basinMicro-irrigationMixed croppingModernization of irrigationMole drainMonocroppingMunicipal wastewater treatment facilityMunicipal water withdrawal as of total withdrawalNational Rainfall Index NRINatural inflowNet irrigation water requirementNet present valueNon-consumptive water useNon-conventional of waterNon-irrigated cultivated area drainedNon-public water supplyNon-use valueNot treated municipal wastewaterNot treated municipal wastewater dischargedNumber of municipal wastewater treatment facilitiesNumber of people undernourished 3-year averageOff-stream water useOpportunity costOrganic SoilsOrganic agricultureOverall irrigation efficiencyOverlap between surface water and groundwaterOverlap between surface water and groundwaterPasturePermanent crops areaPermanent meadows and pastures irrigatedPesticidePopulation affected by water related diseasePopulation densityPotential evapotranspiration PETPotential yieldPower irrigationPrecipitationPrevalence of undernourishment 3-year averagePrimary freshwaterProduced municipal wastewaterProject efficiencyPublic goodPublic water supplyPump irrigationRainfed agricultureReference crop evapotranspirationRenewable resourcesReservoirResilienceReturn flowRillRiver basinRoof water harvestingRoof water harvestingRunoff farmingRural populationRural population with access to improved drinking-water source JMPSDG 6.4.2. Water StressSabkhaSafe yield of water systemsSalinizationSanitationSeasonal variability WRISecondary freshwaterSediment accumulationSocial costSoilSoil ErosionSoil and water conservationSoil moistureSoil moisture storage capacitySoil textureSoil-water potentialSpate irrigationSprinkler irrigationStream flowSupplementary irrigationSupply economySupply management of water resourcesSurface irrigationSurface waterSurface water accounted flow of border riversSurface water accounted inflowSurface water entering the country totalSurface water inflow not submitted to treatiesSurface water inflow secured through treatiesSurface water inflow submitted to treatiesSurface water leaving the country to other countries totalSurface water outflow to other countries not submitted to treatiesSurface water outflow to other countries secured through treatiesSurface water produced internallySurface water total external renewableSurface water total flow of border riversSurrogate market priceSwampTemporary crop areaTensiometerTidal CurrentTopographyTotal agricultural water managed areaTotal area of the country excl. coastal watersTotal cultivated area drainedTotal dam capacityTotal exploitable water resourcesTotal freshwater withdrawalTotal harvested irrigated crop area full control irrigationTotal internal renewable water resources IRWRTotal internal renewable water resources per capitaTotal number of households in irrigationTotal populationTotal population with access to improved drinking-water source JMPTotal renewable groundwaterTotal renewable surface waterTotal renewable water resourcesTotal renewable water resources per capitaTotal valuation of a wetlandTotal water withdrawalTotal water withdrawal per capitaTranspirationTreated municipal wastewaterTreated municipal wastewater dischargedTreatyUnaccounted for waterUrban and peri-urban agricultureUrban populationUrban population with access to improved drinking-water source JMPValuationValueVector controlVenetian Cistern or sand-filled reservoirVirtual waterWadi or OueddWastewaterWater accountingWater auditWater balanceWater balance under natural or non-irrigated conditionsWater chargeWater conservationWater consumptionWater controlWater control structuresWater feesWater harvestingWater institutionsWater priceWater productivityWater qualityWater quality criteriaWater quality criteriaWater-related diseasesWater resourcesWater resources assessmentWater resources total external renewableWater shortageWater stressWater tariffWater use efficiencyWater use rightWater user association WUAWater withdrawalWaterborne diseasesWaterloggingWatershedWell CapacityWetlandWetland functionWetland impact analysisWild floodingWillingness to payWilting pointactualagricultural water managementagricultureannualarea under irrigationclay Loamconfineddesalinated waterdomesticdrained areasfossil watergroundwaterheavy clayhorizontalindustrialirrigated cropsirrigationirrigation potentialland useleakylight clayloamloamy sandlocalized irrigationnaturalof agricultural water managed area equipped for irrigationof area equipped for full control irrigation actually irrigatedof area equipped for irrigation by direct use of treated municipal wastewaterof area equipped for irrigation by direct use of agricultural drainage waterof area equipped for irrigation by direct use of non-treated municipal wastewaterof area equipped for irrigation by mixed surface water and groundwaterof area equipped for irrigation drainedof area equipped for irrigation power irrigatedof area equipped for irrigation salinizedof irrigation potential equipped for irrigationof the agricultural holdings with irrigation managed by womenof the area equipped for irrigation actually irrigatedof the area equipped for irrigation managed by womenof the cultivated area equipped for irrigationof total cultivated area drainedof total grain production irrigatedperennialpermanentpopulationsandsilt loamsourcesprinkler irrigationsub-surfacesurfacesurface irrigationsurface waterunconfinedvalue added GDPverticalwastewaterwater resourceswater sourceswithdrawal
AQUASTATover 1 year ago
Admiralty Inlet Hub-Height Turbulence Measurements from June 2012Source

This data is from measurements at Admiralty Head, in Admiralty Inlet. The measurements were made using an IMU equipped ADV mounted on a mooring, the 'Tidal Turbulence Mooring' or 'TTM'. The inertial measurements from the IMU allows for removal of mooring motion in post processing. The mooring motion has been removed from the stream-wise and vertical velocity signals (u, w). The lateral (v) velocity may have some 'persistent motion contamination' due to mooring sway. The ADV was positioned 11m above the seafloor in 58m of water at 48.1515N, 122.6858W. Units ------ - Velocity data (_u, urot, uacc) is in m/s. - Acceleration (Accel) data is in m/s^2. - Angular rate (AngRt) data is in rad/s. - The components of all vectors are in 'ENU' orientation. That is, the first index is True East, the second is True North, and the third is Up (vertical). - All other quantities are in the units defined in the Nortek Manual. Motion correction and rotation into the ENU earth reference frame was performed using the Python-based open source DOLfYN library (linked in resources). Details on motion correction can be found there. For additional details on this dataset see the included Marine Energy Technology Symposium paper.

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ADCPADVAWACAcoustic Doppler Current ProfilerAcoustic Doppler VelocimeterAcoustic Wave And Current ProfilerAdmiralty HeadAdmiralty InletDOLfYNHydrokineticIMUMHKMarineMatlabNortek VectorPuget SoundTTMTidal Turbulence MooringTurbulenceUSAWAWashingtoncodeeffectivenessenergyfield testinertial measurement unitlateralmooringoceanpowerprocessed datapythonraw dataresourcesafetystream-wisevelocimetryvelocityverticalwater velocity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Milford Triaxial Test Data and Summary from EGI labsSource

Six samples were evaluated in unconfined and triaxial compression, their data are included in separate excel spreadsheets, and summarized in the word document. Three samples were plugged along the axis of the core (presumed to be nominally vertical) and three samples were plugged perpendicular to the axis of the core. A designation of "V"indicates vertical or the long axis of the plugged sample is aligned with the axis of the core. Similarly, "H" indicates a sample that is nominally horizontal and cut orthogonal to the axis of the core. Stress-strain curves were made before and after the testing, and are included in the word doc. The confining pressure for this test was 2800 psi. A series of tests are being carried out on to define a failure envelope, to provide representative hydraulic fracture design parameters and for future geomechanical assessments. The samples are from well 52-21, which reaches a maximum depth of 3581 ft +/- 2 ft into a gneiss complex.

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52-21GNSMooreRoosevelt Hot SpringsUtah FORGEcharacterizationcompressioncorecore datadataegiegsforgefracturegeomechanicalgeomechanicsgeothermalhorizontalmilfordpermeabilityresourcesamplestrainstresstesttestingtriaxialutahverticalwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago