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Conductance Steamflow RelationshipSource

These histograms represent our calibration of conductance of a volcanic geothermal field (with a clay cap) and the observed steam flow rates. Darajat is a vapor geothermal field located in West Java, Indonesia. First production from the field was started in 1994 and additional capacity was added in 2000 and 2007 to bring the total production capacity to 271 MW from three power plants. Please refer to Rejeki et al. (2010) for geologic and modeling background. The steam flow measurements are the average production over one year for 27 different wells. Four of these wells were drilled near to or outside of the geothermal field and are characterized by production rates of < 5kg/s. Rejeki, S., Rohrs, D., Nordquist, G., and Fitriyanto, A., 2010, Geologic Conceptual Model Update of the Darajat Geothermal Field , Indonesia, in Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010, p. 25-29. Further details will be contained in the following paper to be published in the fall of 2015: Trainor-Guitton, Hoversten,Nordquist, Intani, Value of information analysis using geothermal field data: accounting for multiple interpretations & determining new drilling locations. SEG Abstracts 2015.

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conductancedarajatelectrical conductancegeothermalhistogramhistogrmaindonesiaprobabilisticprobabilitysteam flowvapor dominatedvolcanicwest java
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
DEEPEN Data Catalog for Magmatic Geothermal Systems in the United StatesSource

This data catalog contains information related to the Training Site Analysis for the Geothermica project "DE-risking Exploration of geothermal Plays in magmatic ENvironments (DEEPEN)." The DEEPEN project aims to reduce exploration risk for geothermal fluids in magmatic systems by developing improved an improved framework for interpretation of exploration data using the Play Fairway Analysis (PFA) methodology. The Training Site Analysis performed for DEEPEN leverages existing datasets to develop a customized PFA approach to exploration for multiple geothermal resource types in magmatic systems (conventional hydrothermal resources, supercritical fluid and superheated steam resources, and superhot EGS resources). This data catalog contains links to publicly available data files related to 8 training sites in the United States. US training sites are: the Cascades/Aleutians PFA project; the Hawaii PFA project, the Oregon Cascades PFA project, the Snake River Plain, Idaho PFA project, the Washington State PFA project, Newberry Volcano, Coso Geothermal Field, and the Geysers Geothermal field. This database contains an overview of these training sites, data sources, and links to publicly available exploration datasets. For the five PFA projects, details on exploration data related to PFA components (heat, fluid, permeability, sometimes seal) are provided, including a summary of data weighting methodologies.

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AleutiansCaliforniaCascadesCosoDEEPENGeysersHawaiiNewberryOregonPFASRPSnake River PlainWashingtoncharacterizationdata catalogenergyexplorationgeochemistrygeologygeophysicsgeothermalgroundwatermagmaticmagmatic environmentsmodelingplay fairwayremote sensingsupercriticaltemperaturevolcanicvolcanowell dataworld volcanic centers
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Exploring for Geothermal Resources in a Dormant Volcanic System: The Haleakala Southwest Rift Zone, Maui, Hawai'iSource

Suites of new geophysical and geochemical surveys provide evidence for geothermal resource at the Haleakala Southwest Rift Zone (HSWRZ) on Maui Island, Hawai'i. This poster outlines the Site's background, the geophysical surveys conducted on the Site (LiDAR, gravity and magnetics), the geochemiclal surveys conducted on the Site (CO2 flux), and summarizes the recent findings and conclusions.

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aeromagneticblind geothermal systemsbudgetco2 fluxexplorationgeochemicalgeophysicalgeothermalgravityhaleakalahawaiihyperspectralisotopemauipunarift zonesoil temperaturetimelineulupalakuavolcanic
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Final Report - Cascades/Aleutians Play Fairway ProjectSource

Final Report describing data collection, evaluation, modeling and analysis. Ranking of Cascade and Aleutian volcanic centers for geothermal potential.

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AleutiansCascadesPFAPlay Fairwayalaskaassessmentcaliforniadataevaluationexplorationgeochemistrygeodesygeologygeophysicsgeothermalheat flowinvestigationmodelmt st helensreconaissancereservoirshastasitestatisticsstructuraltectonicvolcanicvolcanowashington
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Geothermal Exploration of Newberry Volcano, Oregon Summary ReportSource

Abstract: Davenport Newberry (Davenport) has completed 8 years of exploration for geothermal energy on Newberry Volcano in central Oregon. Two deep exploration test wells were drilled by Davenport on the west flank of the volcano, one intersected a hydrothermal system; the other intersected isolated fractures with no hydrothermal interconnection. Both holes have bottom-hole temperatures near or above 315 deg C (600 deg F). Subsequent to deep test drilling an expanded exploration and evaluation program was initiated. These efforts have included reprocessing existing data, executing multiple geological, geophysical, geochemical programs, deep exploration test well drilling and shallow well drilling. The efforts over the last three years have been made possible through the DOE's facilitation of innovative geothermal exploration techniques. The combined results of the last 8 years have led to a better understanding of the history and complexity of Newberry Volcano and improved the design and interpretation of geophysical exploration techniques with regard to blind geothermal resources in volcanic terrain.

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AltaRockDavenportIETNewberryNewberry VolcanoOregonblind geothermal systemdrillingexplorationgeothermalinvestigationsitestructuralterrainvolcanic
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Iceland Fluid Inclusion Gas AnalysisSource

Fluid inclusion gas analysis for wells in Iceland. Analyses used in developing fluid inclusion stratigraphy for wells and defining fluids across the geothermal fields. Each sample has mass spectrum counts for 180 chemical species.

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fluid inclusionfluid inclusion stratigraphygas analysisgeothermalicelandkaraha telga bodegasmass spectrometryoceanic-ridgevolcanic
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Ormat Maui Project 2011 Peer Review Presentation: Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic EnvironmentsSource

Geothermal Technologies Program Peer Review Presentation on Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic Environments. Includes plans and statuses for multi-phase geophysical and geochemical surveys in overt and subtle volcanic systems in Hawaii and Maui.

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aeromagneticblind geothermal systemsbudgetco2 fluxexplorationgeochemicalgeophysicalgeothermalgravityhaleakalahawaiihyperspectralisotopemauipunarift zonesoil temperaturetimelineulupalakuavolcanic
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Peer Review Presentation: Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic EnvironmentsSource

Geothermal Technologies Program Peer Review Presentation on Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic Environments. Includes plans and statuses for multi-phase geophysical and geochemical surveys in overt and subtle volcanic systems in Hawaii and Maui.

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aeromagneticblind geothermal systemsbudgetco2 fluxexplorationgeochemicalgeophysicalgeothermalgravityhaleakalahawaiihyperspectralisotopemauipunarift zonesoil temperaturetimelineulupalakuavolcanic
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Remote Sensing and Geology of Glass Buttes, OregonSource

This data set includes Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data, a remote sensing processing report, and a geologic map of the Glass Buttes study area for ORMAT. The total area flown for the LiDAR remote sensing was 86,631 acres to fully encompass the area of interest (84,849 acres). The "LiDAR Remote Sensing Report" reflects statistics for the overall LiDAR survey. An airborne hyperspectral scanner imagery survey over an area in Glass Buttes, Oregon. The "HyMap Survey Processing Report" describes the processing that has been applied to the HyMap data to produce a number of image products including overview colour composites, decorrelation colour composites, minimum noise fraction (MNF) colour composites, and unmixed end-member mineral map. To produce these products the data first has various processes applied to it that converts the raw data into reflectance imagery which is then geometrically corrected and radiometrically leveled so that seamless image mosaics are produced. A detailed geologic map with cross sections of the Glass Buttes Volcanic Complex, Oregon is also included.

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GPS dataHyMapIMU dataLake CountyLiDARMNFairborne surveycolor compositecolour compositecross sectiondata reportgeologic mapgeologygeothermalglass buttesground surveyhyperspectral remote sensinginertial measurementinstrumentation and methodslaser point processinglight detection and rangingmineral mapminimum noise fractionoregonpoint dataprojectionraster dataremote sensingvector datavolcanicvolcanic complex
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Snake River Plain FORGE: Site Characterization DataSource

The site characterization data used to develop the conceptual geologic model for the Snake River Plain site in Idaho, as part of phase 1 of the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) initiative. This collection includes data on seismic events, groundwater, geomechanical models, gravity surveys, magnetics, resistivity, magnetotellurics (MT), rock physics, stress, the geologic setting, and supporting documentation, including several papers. Also included are 3D models (Petrel and Jewelsuite) of the proposed site. Data for wells INEL-1, WO-2, and USGS-142 have been included as links to separate data collections. These data have been assembled by the Snake River Geothermal Consortium (SRGC), a team of collaborators that includes members from national laboratories, universities, industry, and federal agencies, lead by the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Other contributors include the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CEAS), the University of Idaho, Idaho State University, Boise State University, University of Wyoming, University of Oklahoma, Energy and Geoscience Institute-University of Utah, US Geothermal, Baker Hughes Campbell Scientific Inc., Chena Power, US Geological Survey (USGS), Idaho Department of Water Resources, Idaho Geological Survey, and Mink GeoHydro.

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3D3D modelAnnual reportEGSERSPESRPEasternEastern Snake River PlainFORGEGRRAGeothermal SystemsHeHeiseINEL siteINEL-1INLIdahoJewelSuiteMTMonitoringNRMNeogenePaleozoicPetrelPhase 1PicaboResistivitySRGCSeismicSnake River PlainTDUSGSUSGS-142UndiscoveredWO-2Yellowstoneaddendumanalyticalanomaliesaquiferbasinblogcalderacharacterizationcollectionconceptual modelcoordinatesdatadeformationdistributionelectricalelevationeventsextensionextensional structuresfieldfold hingesgeochemicalgeoelectricgeologicgeologic modelgeomechanicalgeomechanical modelgeothermalgravitygroundwaterheat flowheliumhistoryinformationintrusioninversionisostaticisotopeisotopic evidencelocationlong-periodmagmatismmagneticmagneticsmagnetotelluricsmantle plumemapmodelmodelingoceanic hotspotpaleoseismologypaperpotentialprofilingray tracereceiverrefractionrefraction surveyresidualrhyoliticrock physicssectionseismic modelingsettingsitesite characterizationsite datasnapshotsoundingsrgsrpstressstrian ratessublithosphericsubsidencesupplementaltarget depthtectonic faultsteleseismictemptemperaturethermalthermal watervolcanicvolcanicsvolcanismvoncanicwebsitewell datawell headswellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Snake River Plain Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis - Volcanic Vents, Lacustrine Sediments, and post-Miocene Faults KMZ filesSource

This dataset contain raw data files in kmz files (Google Earth georeference format). These files include volcanic vent locations and age, the distribution of fine-grained lacustrine sediments (which act as both a seal and an insulating layer for hydrothermal fluids), and post-Miocene faults compiled from the Idaho Geological Survey, the USGS Quaternary Fault database, and unpublished mapping. It also contains the Composite Common Risk Segment Map created during Phase 1 studies, as well as a file with locations of select deep wells used to interrogate the subsurface.

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CCRSIdahoPFAPlay Fairway AnalysisSRPSnake River Plaindatafaultfaultsgeoreferencinggeospatialgeospatial datageothermalgoogle earthkmzlacustrinemudsphase 1sedimentsedimentsstructureventventsvolcanicvolcanics
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago