National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
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The National Energy Technology Laboratory is a U.S national laboratory under the Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy. NETL focuses on applied research for the clean production and use of domestic energy resources
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- Maritime RegionsGeographic Information Systems have become indispensable tools in managing and displaying marine data and information. However, a unique georeferenced standard of marine place names and areas was not available, hampering several marine geographic applications, for example the linking of these locations to databases to integrate data. The purpose of Marine Regions is therefore to create a standard, relational list of geographic names, coupled with information and maps of the geographic location of these features. This will improve access and clarity of the different geographic, marine names such as seas, sandbanks, ridges and bays and display univocally the boundaries of marine biogeographic or managerial marine areas. Marine Regions is an integration of the VLIMAR Gazetteer and the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. The VLIMAR Gazetteer is a database with geographic, mainly marine names such as seas, sandbanks, seamounts, ridges, bays or even standard sampling stations used in marine research. The geographic cover of the VLIMAR gazetteer is global but initially focused on the Belgian Continental Shelf and the Scheldt Estuary and the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Gradually more regional and global geographic information was added to VLIMAR and combining this information with the Maritime Boundaries database, representing the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the world, led to the creation of Marine Regions is managed by the Flanders Marine Institute. Funding for the creation of the VLIMAR gazetteer was provided initially through the EU Network of Excellence MarBEF, but also other European initiative such as EMODNet and Lifewatch provide the necessary funding for the maintenance and management of Marine Regions. Marine Regions depends on data and knowledge sharing from global, European, regional and national data providers and relevant experts. By setting up Collaboration Agreements, data providers will benefit from belonging to the Marine Regions partnership as they would get increased visibility, gain access to a variety of data analysis services which will benefit from integration of several distributed spatial datasets, as well as enjoying the benefit of the creation of stable unique identifiers. An example template of a Collaboration Agreement can be found here. Please contact if your organisation is interested to explore this collaboration.1Licence not specified11 months ago
- Fluid-Rock Characterization and Interactions in NMR Well LoggingThe objective of this project is to characterize the fluid properties and fluid-rock interactions that are needed for formation evaluation by NMR well logging. This is the first annual progress report submitted to the DOE. It reports on the work completed during the reporting period even if it may have started before this period. This project is a partnership between Professor George J. Hirasaki at Rice University and Professor Kishore Mohanty at University of Houston. In addition to the DOE, this project is supported by a consortium of oil companies and service companies. The fluid properties characterization has emphasized the departure of live oils from correlations based on dead oils. Also, asphaltic components can result in a difference between the T1 and T2 relaxation time distributions as well as reduce the hydrogen index. The fluid rock characterizations that are reported here are the effects of wettability and internal magnetic field gradients. A pore reconstruction method ha s been developed to recreate three-dimensional porous media from two-dimensional images that reproduce some of their key statistical properties. A Monte Carlo simulation technique has been developed to calculate the magnetization decay in fluid saturated porous media given their pore structure.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- IMPROVING RESERVOIR CONFORMANCE USING GELLED POLYMER SYSTEMSThe general objectives of the research program are to (1) identify and develop gelled polymer systems which have potential to improve reservoir conformance of fluid displacement processes, (2) determine the performance of these systems in bulk and in porous media, and (3) develop methods to predict their performance in field applications. The research focuses on three types of gel systems-an aqueous polysaccharide (KUSPI) that gels as a function of pH, polyacrylamide or xanthan crosslinked by Cr(Ill) and a polyacrylamide-aluminum citrate system. Work to date has focused primarily on development of a database, selection of systems, and work to characterize the gel/polymer physical properties and kinetics. The use of ester hydrolysis to control the rate of pH change of a gel system has been investigated and this approach to gel-time control shows promise. Extensive kinetic data were taken on the uptake of Cr(Ill) oligomers by polyacrylamide. A model was developed which describes very well the monomer uptake rates. The model described the dimer uptake data less well and the trimer uptake data poorly. Studies of the flow and gelation in rock materials have been initiated. A mathematical model of rock-fluid interaction during flow of high pH solutions has been developed.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Plant stress analysis technology deploymentMonitoring vegetation is an active area of laser-induced fluorescence imaging (LIFI) research. The Hemispheric Center for Environmental Technology (HCET) at Florida International University (FIU) is assisting in the transfer of the LIFI technology to the agricultural private sector through a market survey. The market survey will help identify the key eco-agricultural issues of the nations that could benefit from the use of sensor technologies developed by the Office of Science and Technology (OST). The principal region of interest is the Western Hemisphere, particularly, the rapidly growing countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The analysis of needs will assure that the focus of present and future research will center on economically important issues facing both hemispheres. The application of the technology will be useful to the agriculture industry for airborne crop analysis as well as in the detection and characterization of contaminated sites by monitoring vegetation. LIFI airborne and close-proximity systems will be evaluated as stand-alone technologies and additions to existing sensor technologies that have been used to monitor crops in the field and in storage.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Thermal Maturity Patterns CAI and Ro in the Ordovician and Devonian Rocks of the Appalachian Basin in PennsylvaniaThe objective of this study is to enhance existing thermal maturity maps in Pennsylvania by establishing: 1) new subsurface CAI data points for the Ordovician and Devonian and 2) new %Ro and Rock Eval subsurface data points for Middle and Upper Devonian black shale units. Thermal maturity values for the Ordovician and Devonian strata are of major interest because they contain the source rocks for most of the oil and natural gas resources in the basin. Thermal maturity patterns of the Middle Ordovician Trenton Group are evaluated here because they closely approximate those of the overlying Ordovician Utica Shale that is believed to be the source rock for the regional oil and gas accumulation in Lower Silurian sandstones (Ryder and others, 1998) and for natural gas fields in fractured dolomite reservoirs of the Ordovician Black River-Trenton Limestones. Improved CAI-based thermal maturity maps of the Ordovician are important to identify areas of optimum gas generation from the Utica Shale and to provide constraints for interpreting the origin of oil and gas in the Lower Silurian regional accumulation and Ordovician Black River-Trenton fields. Thermal maturity maps of the Devonian will better constrain burial history-petroleum generation models of the Utica Shale, as well as place limitations on the origin of regional oil and gas accumulations in Upper Devonian sandstone and Middle to Upper Devonian black shale.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Development of Alaskan fossil energy resources: Part 1, Development of effective gas solvents including CO/sub 2/ for the improved recovery of West Sak oil: Second annual report, October 1, 1987--September 30, 1988Research on miscible displacement of West Sak oil is described. The following tasks were performed: Task 1, laboratory measurement of phase behavior and physical properties of West Sak oil/endash/solvent mixtures. Task 2, measurement of minimum miscbility pressure for enriched gas solvents/endash/West Sak crude mixtures. Task 3, prediction of phase behavior and miscibility conditions for West Sak crude/endash/solvent mixtures. Task 4, displacement experiments on steam/endash/solvent process for West Sak oil. Task 5, displacement studies on steam/endash/solvent injection for heavy oil recovery and application to West Sak reservoir: development of a heat transfer model. 14 figs., 5 tabs.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Studies involving high temperature desulfurization/regeneration reactions of metal oxides for fuel cell developments. Project status report, December 1982The test evaluation of supported system CuO/Zeolite was carried out in the fluidized bed reactor with 450 mean average particle diameter. In all the tests, the sulfur capacity was observed below 1 mole % conversion for 10 ppM H/sub 2/S concentration in the effluent gas. There was an improvement in sulfur capacity of air-steam regenerated batches (Run 171 and 172) compressed to air regenerated batches (Run 169 and 170). We believe CuO-ZnO system has greater potentials than supported CuO only. We plan to carry out a desulfurization test of mixed oxide CuO/ZnO sorbent with ZrO/sub 2/ as diluent.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Sedimentiological Analysis of Cores Recovered from the RV Marion Dufrresne Cruise in the Gulf of MexicoThe Gulf of Mexico is a small ocean basin surrounded by land masses. It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the Florida Strait to the east and to the Caribbean Sea through the Yucatan channel. Numerous topics have been studied in the Gulf of Mexico including: sediment transport, mineralogy, grain size and more recently sea floor sediment distribution. These studies confirm the major influence of sediment supplied by the Mississippi River on the composition of the Gulf of Mexico sediments.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- GEOLOGICAL AND PETROPHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE FERRON SANDSTONE FOR 3-D SIMULATION OF A FLUVIAL-DELTAIC RESERVOIRThe objective of the Ferron Sandstone project is to develop a comprehensive, interdisciplinary, quantitative characterization of a fluvial-deltaic reservoir to allow realistic inter-well and reservoir-scale models to be developed for improved oil-field development in similar reservoirs world-wide. Quantitative geological and petrophysical information on the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone in east-central Utah will be collected. Both new and existing data will be integrated into a three-dimensional model of spatial variations in porosity, storativity, and tensorial rock permeability at a scale appropriate for inter-well to regional-scale reservoir simulation. Simulation results could improve reservoir management through proper infill and extension drilling strategies, reduction of economic risks, increased recovery from existing oil fields, and more reliable reserve calculations. Transfer of the project results to the petroleum industry is an integral component of the project. This report covers research activities for fiscal year 1993-94, the first year of the project. Most work consists of developing field methods and collecting large quantities of existing and new data. We also developed preliminary regional and case-study area interpretations.1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago
- Induced Seismicity and Carbon Storage: Risk Assessment and Mitigation StrategiesNRAP TRS1Licence not specifiedover 1 year ago