National Grid ESO
L o a d i n g
National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) is the transmission system operator, working to balance supply and demand in real time, as well as coordinating markets and auctions which ensure sufficient future supply, and exploring initiatives such as demand-side response measures to reduce peaks in electricity demand.
Available DatasetsShowing 10 of 10 results
- Interconnector Requirement and Auction Summary DataNational Energy System Operator (NESO) trades on interconnectors to adjust the flow of electricity into or out of Great Britain to help manage system issues such as thermal, voltage or stability constraints or to manage energy requirements such as upwards and downwards margin. Trades can take place on IFA1, BritNed, NEMO, IFA2, ElecLink and Viking Link interconnectors. We invite qualified counterparties into NESO Interconnector (IC) auctions which run ad hoc across the day. The counterparties, who hold respective interconnector capacity or be able to secure the capacity later on, can bid in the auction based on the requirement. Requirements are not firm and are subject to change depending on prevailing system conditions. When the auction has been concluded, the information for a given requirement (lot) will be updated to include the volumes secured on each interconnector, the best price, the volume-weighted average price (VWA), and the clearing price. The requirement may not be completely filled. To participate in this market, a counterparty is required to have a Grid Trade Master Agreement (GTMA) in place with NESO and to have access to capacity on channel interconnectors, along with being registered with the BSC party. OTF Dates - Featuring Trading At various times of the year members of the trading team are invited along to the OTF to provide a deep dive or insight into our day job. Here are some of the OTF dates the trading team have attended: 6th July - DA trading on Eleclink click here 27th July - High cost trading days click here 17th August - CMN and trading data locations click here 5th October - Overview of how we trade click here >**NOTE:** Documentation relating to interconnector trading, including the procurement framework and supporting materials: Interconnector Trading Procurement Framework1Licence not specified29 days ago
- Day Ahead Wind ForecastThe dataset contains national and BMU wind forecast over a day ahead timescale as well as all historic day ahead wind forecasts to assist the industry to make efficient decisions in balancing their supply and demand positions.1Licence not specified29 days ago
- Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) Day Ahead Auction ResultsAs part of Clean Energy Package (CEP) 6.9 we will be running daily auction for procurement of Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR). The daily results from the auction are available here.1Licence not specified29 days ago
- National Carbon Intensity ForecastThis dataset contains national carbon intensity forecast for the GB electricity system. The carbon intensity of electricity is a measure of how much CO2 emissions are produced per kilowatt hour of electricity consumed.1Licence not specified29 days ago
- Country Carbon Intensity ForecastThis dataset contains country carbon intensity forecast for the GB electricity system.The carbon intensity of electricity is a measure of how much CO2 emissions are produced per kilowatt hour of electricity consumed.1Licence not specified29 days ago
- Current Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) ChargesThere is a file for each run type we calculate a BSUoS charge for - Interim Initial (II), Settlement Final (SF) and Reconciliation Final (RF). These are updated daily with the actual Half Hourly BSUoS price. Total costs and volume information by settlement period is also published here. >**NOTE:** We have paused the billing due to system outage from 26/04/2024 to 20/05/2024 (inclusive) and during this period there will be no BSUoS web prices issued. The outage has been extended now until 27/05/2024, the billing will resume on 28/05/2024 and the data will be published on daily basis. Please find the link for more information.1Licence not specified29 days ago
- Daily Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) Cost DataThe BSUoS charge recovers the cost of day-to-day operation of the transmission system. Generators and suppliers are liable for these charges, which are calculated daily as a flat tariff for all users. Historical values of these charges, on a daily basis in a annual file, are provided here. There are a few missing dates and/or settlement periods from the years below under investigation.1Licence not specified29 days ago
- Day Ahead Constraint Flows and LimitsA snapshot of the limits and flows at relevant boundaries at day ahead stage. These flow values are true for when the measurement was taken and will not reflect any changes in the flows following the publication of this data. The network diagrams show the constraint boundaries and arrows indicating the positive direction of power flow across each boundary.1Licence not specified29 days ago
- Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) registerA list of projects that hold contracts for Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) with us. These include existing and future connection projects and projects that can be directly connected to the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS), or make use of it.1Licence not specified29 days ago
- 14 Days Ahead Operational Metered Wind ForecastsThe dataset contains national and windfarm-level 0-14 Day Ahead wind forecasts for all the windfarms which provide real-time operational metering (SCADA telemetry) to the NESO. The forecasts are based on evaluated Operational Capacity, which is a deterministic value based on recent actual production levels of that windfarm, captured from SCADA telemetry.1Licence not specified29 days ago