National Grid ESO
L o a d i n g
National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) is the transmission system operator, working to balance supply and demand in real time, as well as coordinating markets and auctions which ensure sufficient future supply, and exploring initiatives such as demand-side response measures to reduce peaks in electricity demand.
Available DatasetsShowing 10 of 10 results
- Ancillary Services Important Industry NotificationsThe dataset contains the latest update on important ancillary services procurement changes. Please subscribe to get the latest update.1Licence not specifiedabout 1 month ago
- Constraint Breakdown Costs and VolumeThe publication consists of constraint breakdown information to provide additional transparency of why as ESO we are taking actions on the system. Please note that tags applied to actions can occasionally be changed post event and in this instance the information in this dataset would be refreshed to reflect the up to date information. The data is applicable to the transmission network only.1Licence not specifiedabout 1 month ago
- National Carbon Intensity ForecastThis dataset contains national carbon intensity forecast for the GB electricity system. The carbon intensity of electricity is a measure of how much CO2 emissions are produced per kilowatt hour of electricity consumed.1Licence not specifiedabout 1 month ago
- Interconnector Requirement and Auction Summary DataNational Energy System Operator (NESO) trades on interconnectors to adjust the flow of electricity into or out of Great Britain to help manage system issues such as thermal, voltage or stability constraints or to manage energy requirements such as upwards and downwards margin. Trades can take place on IFA1, BritNed, NEMO, IFA2, ElecLink and Viking Link interconnectors. We invite qualified counterparties into NESO Interconnector (IC) auctions which run ad hoc across the day. The counterparties, who hold respective interconnector capacity or be able to secure the capacity later on, can bid in the auction based on the requirement. Requirements are not firm and are subject to change depending on prevailing system conditions. When the auction has been concluded, the information for a given requirement (lot) will be updated to include the volumes secured on each interconnector, the best price, the volume-weighted average price (VWA), and the clearing price. The requirement may not be completely filled. To participate in this market, a counterparty is required to have a Grid Trade Master Agreement (GTMA) in place with NESO and to have access to capacity on channel interconnectors, along with being registered with the BSC party. OTF Dates - Featuring Trading At various times of the year members of the trading team are invited along to the OTF to provide a deep dive or insight into our day job. Here are some of the OTF dates the trading team have attended: 6th July - DA trading on Eleclink click here 27th July - High cost trading days click here 17th August - CMN and trading data locations click here 5th October - Overview of how we trade click here >**NOTE:** Documentation relating to interconnector trading, including the procurement framework and supporting materials: Interconnector Trading Procurement Framework1Licence not specifiedabout 1 month ago
- Day Ahead Wind ForecastThe dataset contains national and BMU wind forecast over a day ahead timescale as well as all historic day ahead wind forecasts to assist the industry to make efficient decisions in balancing their supply and demand positions.1Licence not specifiedabout 1 month ago
- Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) Day Ahead Auction ResultsAs part of Clean Energy Package (CEP) 6.9 we will be running daily auction for procurement of Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR). The daily results from the auction are available here.1Licence not specifiedabout 1 month ago
- Thermal Constraint CostsThermal constraints are taken when the amount of energy that would flow naturally from one region to another exceeds the capacity of the circuits connecting the two regions. This dataset provides outturn system costs for thermal constraints across a number of significant constraint boundaries.1Licence not specifiedabout 1 month ago
- Transmission LossesThere are a number of factors which influence transmission losses. These include variations in zonal generation patterns, growth in northern vs southern generation, level of Scottish exports to England and Wales, changes in interconnector flows, level of partly loaded plant, reduced flows directly out of concentrations of generation (e.g. Drax, South Humber Bank, Killingholme), the degree of geographic dispersal of plant and also levels of demand growth. The configuration of the Transmission System, the geographic profile of operating voltages, and the characteristics of individual items of transmission equipment also influence losses. It is difficult for NESO to forecast future losses because many of the above factors are outside its control. Generally losses are very sensitive to the geographic generation pattern, and small changes in the north / south balance can have a significant impact on the overall transmission loss volumes from day to day and year to year. Post event, NESO monitors transmission losses incurred as a result of operating the transmission system. Normally network configuration and voltage profile are dictated by security, quality and safety considerations and the resulting configuration may or may not act to reduce losses. We always aim to operate the GB transmission system as efficiently and economically as possible in accordance with our licence conditions. Wherever possible we will despatch plant to minimise the overall cost of operating the system. Decisions taken to achieve this in the optimal manner overall may also indirectly result in lower transmission losses, but generally, the optimisation of transmission losses will not result in the system being operated in the most economic way, and would be likely to increase costs significantly. An example of this would be dispatching more expensive out of merit plant in the south to back off high north to south flows and reduce loadings on heavily loaded circuits which are contributing to higher transmission losses.1Licence not specifiedabout 1 month ago
- Demand Flexibility Service 2023/24Please visit Demand Flexibility Service for the latest auction results. This dataset will no longer be updated. NESO are again launching the Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) for Winter 2023/24. The service allows the NESO to access additional flexibility when the national demand is at its highest – during peak winter days – which is not currently accessible to the NESO in real time. The service will allow consumers – both domestic and I&C – to be incentivised for voluntarily flexing the time during which they use their electricity. This dataset contains updates and information relating to both **live** and **test** DFS events. NESO have launched the Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) for winter 2023/24. The service allows the NESO to access additional flexibility when the national demand is at its highest – during peak winter days – which is not currently accessible to the NESO in real time. The service will allow consumers – both domestic and I&C – to be incentivised for voluntarily flexing the time during which they use their electricity. Text message/SMS alerts are available for this dataset. This dataset will contain the following files: - **DFS Utilisation Report**: this file will provide details of accepted and rejected bids for both **live** and **test** events, and includes a breakdown by GSP. The NESO will endeavour to update this file within one hour of bid submission gate closure – which occurs one hour after the DFS service requirements are issued. Note: this file will only be updated on days with a corresponding DFS service requirement. - **DFS Utilisation Report Summary**: this file will provide a summary of the demand flexibility volumes procured and delivered for both **live** and **test** events. The file will be updated after the DFS utilisation report has been updated, and/or when the relevant settlements data has been processed. - **DFS Industry Notifications**: this file will indicate when the NESO anticipates publishing a DFS service requirement for a **live** or **test** event, and will provide additional information pertaining to issuing a DFS service requirement. - **DFS Service Requirement**: this file will contain details of service requirements for both **live** and **test** events.”1Licence not specifiedabout 1 month ago
- Current Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) ChargesThere is a file for each run type we calculate a BSUoS charge for - Interim Initial (II), Settlement Final (SF) and Reconciliation Final (RF). These are updated daily with the actual Half Hourly BSUoS price. Total costs and volume information by settlement period is also published here. >**NOTE:** We have paused the billing due to system outage from 26/04/2024 to 20/05/2024 (inclusive) and during this period there will be no BSUoS web prices issued. The outage has been extended now until 27/05/2024, the billing will resume on 28/05/2024 and the data will be published on daily basis. Please find the link for more information.1Licence not specifiedabout 1 month ago