National Grid Electricity Distribution
L o a d i n g
National Grid Electricity Distribution is the regional electricity distribution division of National Grid. Formerly known as Western Power Distribution, the UK’s largest electricity distribution network serves nearly 8 million customers in the East and West Midlands, South West and Wales.
Available DatasetsShowing 10 of 10 results
- ReinforcementNGED Reinforcement of work currently planned on the EHV system and above.1Licence not specified26 days ago
- Live Primary Data - East MidlandsThis dataset contains live data for the East Midlands network listed by Primary substation. This data looks at 5 minute time periods for the previous day.1Licence not specified26 days ago
- Distribution SubstationsThis dataset provides the distribution substations within NGED's four licence areas and their connection to the primary substation. A distribution substation is an electrical substation that reduces voltage from high to low voltage, typically 230 or 400 voltages, suitable for local distribution to consumers. Distribution substations are often located near the point of supply, or connection. ### Notes Substations with less than 6 customers have had some data aggregated to primary substation level obfuscating customer and low carbon technology counts and capacities from the distribution substation. Demand and Supply Distribution Substations data Number of customers and LCTs by substation/transformer Substations with less than 6 customers have had some of their data obfuscated1Licence not specified26 days ago
- Live BSP Data - South WestThis dataset contains live data for the South West network listed by Bulk Supply Point (BSP). This data looks at 5 minute time periods for the previous day.1Licence not specified26 days ago
- Live Primary Data - South WalesThis dataset contains live data for the South Wales network listed by Primary substation. This data looks at 5 minute time periods for the previous day.1Licence not specified26 days ago
- New ConnectionsInterest in Connections for Budgets & Offers encompassing parameters including Size and number.1Licence not specified26 days ago
- Live Power CutsYou can see a live-map of all power cuts and problems in the National Grid Electricity Distribution area [here]( You can call 105 to report or get information about power cuts in your local area. You can also call 105 if you spot damage to electricity power lines and substations that could put you, or someone else, in danger. If there’s a serious immediate risk, you should call the emergency services too. In this dataset you can see a live view of all power cuts and incidents in the National Grid Electricity Distribution area.1Licence not specified26 days ago
- Live GSP Data - West MidlandsThis dataset contains live data for the West Midlands network listed by Grid Supply Point (GSP). GSPs are the point at which the national transmission network, operated by National Grid, connects to our regional distribution networks.1Licence not specified26 days ago
- Flexibility - PrimacyPrimacy - Data exchange between NGED DSO and NG ESO. Highlights potential risk of conflict within Flexibility market.1Licence not specified26 days ago
- Live GSP Data - South WalesThis dataset contains live data for the South Wales network listed by Grid Supply Point (GSP). GSPs are the point at which the national transmission network, operated by National Grid, connects to our regional distribution networks.1Licence not specified26 days ago