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Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis Thermal Risk Factor and Quality AnalysesSource

*This submission revises the analysis and products for Thermal Quality Analysis for the northern half of the Appalachian Basin (* This submission is one of five major parts of a Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis. Phase 1 of the project identified potential Geothermal Play Fairways within the Appalachian basin of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and New York. This submission includes a subset of the necessary shapefiles, rasters, datasets, code, and references to code repositories that were used to create the thermal resource and risk factor maps as part of the project. This subset is those contents that were improved upon during calendar year 2016. Figures are provided as examples of some shapefiles and rasters. See also: Final Report: Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin ( The 2015 data submission should be visited to obtain: 1) the regional standardized 1 square km grid used in the project as points (cell centers), polygons, and as a raster, 2) the raw well data for the state well temperature databases, 3) the COSUNA section shapefile and formation thermal conductivities by state as *.xlsx files, 4) the sediment thickness map and 30 m Digital Elevation Model for the Appalachian Basin as GeoTIFF raster files, 5) the BHT correction sections shapefile and drilling fluid databases as *.csv files, 6) the unbuffered interpolation regions as shapefiles, 7) several 50 km buffered interpolation regions as shapefiles, 8) several gridded interpolation regions as raster files, 9) an R script for organizing the thermal data and running the local spatial outlier analysis, 10) shapefiles and rasters for the prediction, uncertainty, and cross validation of the temperature at 1.5 km, 2.5 km, and 3.5 km depth, 11) shapefiles and rasters for the prediction, uncertainty, and cross validation depth to 100 degrees C, 12) an ArcGIS toolbox for thermal risk factor models, 13) an ArcGIS model for extracting results specific to each county of interest, 14) thermal resource cross section plots, 15) the geothermal Play Fairways.

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Appalachian BasinGPFA-ABNew YorkPennsylvaniaWest VirginiaanalysisarcGISdeep direct usedistrict heatinggeospatial datageothermalgeothermal play fairway analysisgeothermsheat flowlow temperaturepfaresource assessmentrisk factortemperaturethermalthermal analysisthermal conductivity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Thermal Quality Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA-AB)Source

This collection of files are part of a larger dataset uploaded in support of Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB). Phase 1 of the GPFA-AB project identified potential Geothermal Play Fairways within the Appalachian basin of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and New York. This was accomplished through analysis of 4 key criteria: thermal quality, natural reservoir productivity, risk of seismicity, and heat utilization. Each of these analyses represent a distinct project task, with the fifth task encompassing combination of the 4 risks factors. Supporting data for all five tasks has been uploaded into the Geothermal Data Repository node of the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS). This submission comprises the data for Thermal Quality Analysis (project task 1) and includes all of the necessary shapefiles, rasters, datasets, code, and references to code repositories that were used to create the thermal resource and risk factor maps as part of the GPFA-AB project. The identified Geothermal Play Fairways are also provided with the larger dataset. Figures (.png) are provided as examples of the shapefiles and rasters. The regional standardized 1 square km grid used in the project is also provided as points (cell centers), polygons, and as a raster. Two ArcGIS toolboxes are available: 1) RegionalGridModels.tbx for creating resource and risk factor maps on the standardized grid, and 2) ThermalRiskFactorModels.tbx for use in making the thermal resource maps and cross sections. These toolboxes contain item description documentation for each model within the toolbox, and for the toolbox itself. This submission also contains three R scripts: 1) AddNewSeisFields.R to add seismic risk data to attribute tables of seismic risk, 2) StratifiedKrigingInterpolation.R for the interpolations used in the thermal resource analysis, and 3) LeaveOneOutCrossValidation.R for the cross validations used in the thermal interpolations. Some file descriptions make reference to various 'memos'. These are contained within the final report submitted October 16, 2015. Each zipped file in the submission contains an 'about' document describing the full Thermal Quality Analysis content available, along with key sources, authors, citation, use guidelines, and assumptions, with the specific file(s) contained within the .zip file highlighted. UPDATE: Newer version of the Thermal Quality Analysis has been added here: (Also linked below) Newer version of the Combined Risk Factor Analysis has been added here: (Also linked below)

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Appalachian basinArcGISBHT correctionCOSUNACorrelation of Stratigraphic Units of North AmericaDEMDigital Elevation ModelGPFA-ABKrigingNew YorkPFAPennsylvaniaR scriptRome TroughTrenton Black River ProjectWest Virginiabasementcross validationcross-sectiondeep direct usedepth-to-temperaturedistrict heatingfavorable countiesgeospatial datageothermalgeothermal play fairway analysisgeothermsgravityheat flowlow temperaturelow-temperaturemagneticsoutlierplay fairway analysisrasterregional gridresource assessmentrisk of seismicitysediment thicknessshapefiletemperature-at-depththermal analysisthermal conductivitythermal fieldthermal modelthermal qualityworm based interpolation boundariesworms
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Final Report: Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian BasinSource

This is a final report summarizing a two-year (2014-16) DOE funded Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Low-Temperature resources of the Appalachian Basin of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Collaborators included Cornell University, Southern Methodist University, and West Virginia University. As a result of the research, 'play fairways' were identified for further study, based on four risk criteria: 1) the Thermal Resource Quality, 2) the Natural Reservoir Quality, 3) the Risk of Seismic Activity, and the 4) Utilization Viability. In addition to the final report document, this submission includes project 'memos' referred to throughout the report. Many of these same memos are also provided in the submissions with the detailed data products accompanying the relevant risk factor (thermal, reservoir, seismicity, and utilization). This report updates a preliminary version submitted in late 2015 (Submission 559 - See "Reservoir Analysis 2015" below) This file presents the Final Report and Supporting Documents for a Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Appalachian Basin sectors of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The purpose of this Department of Energy funded effort was to assess the potential for viable low temperature (50-150 degrees C) geothermal energy exploration and development using the methods of Play Fairway Analysis. The resources analyzed occur at depths of 1000 m and greater below the surface, and the application scenarios considered are for direct utilization of the heat. This report illustrates the lateral variability of each of the four risk criteria. This report also illustrates multiple alternative methods to combine those factors in order to communicate the estimated overall favorability of geothermal development. Uncertainty in the risk estimation is also quantified. Based on these metrics, geothermal plays in the Appalachian Basin were identified as potentially viable for a variety of direct-use-heat applications. The methodologies developed in this project and presented in this report may be applied in other sedimentary basins as a foundation for geothermal resource, risk, and uncertainty assessment. Accompanying this report is an Appendix that describes in greater detail the methods used in the analysis, and 17 other technical memos that document criteria, methods and decisions on which the final product was built.

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Appalachian BasinBHT correctionsGEOPHIRESGPFA-ABGeothermal Play Fairway AnalysisLCOHNew YorkPennsylvaniaSLCOHWest Virginiacombined risk segment mapsdeep direct usedemanddistrict heatingfaultsfavorabilitygeothermalgeothermsheat flowheat utilizationinduced seismicitylow temperaturelow-temperaturepotential fieldsproductivityreservoirreservoir flow capacityreservoir productivity indexresource assessmentrisk analysissurface leveled cost of heatthermal analysisthermal conductivitywavelets
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago