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2014 Harsha Lake Flyover - Water Chemsitry Data Used For Turbidity StudySource

This data is a large suite of coincident surface water observations for many different physical, chemical, and biological properties of the water in a reservoir in Southwest Ohio (Harsha Lake) at the time a flyover occurred to take hyperspectral images of the lake’s surface. 44 sites were visited across the reservoir within 2 hours. The data could be useful to others with interest in remote sensing of water quality or studying spatial patterns of water quality at one particular point in time. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Beck, R., M. Xu, S. Zhan, R. Johansen, E. Emery, M. Reif, C. Nietch, D. Macke, R. Stumpf, and M. Martin. Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Turbidity and Cyanobacterial Concentrations in Productive Freshwaters Using Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. JOURNAL OF GREAT LAKES RESEARCH. International Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 45(3): 413-433, (2019).

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algal bloomalgorithmbgacyanobacteriaharmful algal bloomhyperspectralmultispectralphycocyaninsatellitetotal suspended solidstssturbidity
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Exploration Best Practices on OpenEISource

This is an electronic database detailing different types of, various phases of, best practices for, and cost and time associated with geothermal exploration techniques. The groups of exploration techniques included in the database are Data and Modeling Techniques, Downhole Techniques, Drilling Techniques, Field Technologies, Geochemical Techniques, Geophysical Techniques, Lab Analysis Techniques, and Remote Sensing Techniques.

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2-M probeDC resistivityFLIRInSARLiDARMT surveyOpenEISARSWIRbest practicesconceptual modelsdatabase linkdrillingelectromagnetic surveyexplorationexploration costsgeochemistrygeophysicsgeothermalgravityhyperspectralisotopeloggingmagneticsmultispectralreflectionrefractonremote sensingresistivity surveyseismicwell logging
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
MODIS True Color - Aqua Corrected ReflectanceSource

This series of products from MODIS represents the only daily global composites available and is suitable for use at global and regional levels. This True Color band composition (Bands 1 4 3 | Red, Green, Blue) most accurately shows how we see the earth’s surface with our own eyes. It is a natural looking image that is useful for land surface, oceanic and atmospheric analysis. There are four True Color products in total. For each satellite (Aqua and Terra) there is a 250 meter corrected reflectance product and a 500 meter surface reflectance product. Although the resolution is coarser than other satellites, this allows for a global collection of imagery on a daily basis, which is made available in near real-time. In contrast, Landsat needs 16 days to collect a global composite. Besides the maximum resolution difference, the surface and corrected reflectance products also differ in the algorithm used for atmospheric correction.NASA Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS)This image layer provides access to a subset of the NASA Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS), which are a set of standard services to deliver global, full-resolution satellite imagery. The GIBS goal is to enable interactive exploration of NASA's Earth imagery for a broad range of users. The purpose of this image layer, and the other GIBS image services hosted by Esri, is to enable convenient access to this beautiful and useful satellite imagery for users of ArcGIS. The source data used by this image layer is a finished image; it is not recommended for quantitative analysis.Several full resolution, global imagery products are built and served by GIBS in near real-time (usually within 3.5 hours of observation). These products are built from NASA Earth Observing System satellites data courtesy of LANCE data providers and other sources. The MODIS instrument aboard Terra and Aqua satellites, the AIRS instrument aboard Aqua, and the OMI instrument aboard Aura are used as sources. Several of the MODIS global products are made available on this Esri hosted service.This image layer hosted by Esri provides direct access to one of the GIBS image products. The Esri servers do not store any of this data itself. Instead, for each received data request, multiple image tiles are retrieved from GIBS, which are then processed and assembled into the proper image for the response. This processing takes place on-the-fly, for each and every request. This ensures that any update to the GIBS data is immediately available in the Esri mosaic service.Note on Time: The image service supporting this layer is time enabled, but time has been disabled on this image layer so that the most recent imagery displays by default. If you would like to view imagery over time, you can update the layer properties to enable time animation and configure time settings. The results can be saved in a web map to use later or share with others.IMPORTANT NOTICE: On August 16, 2020, Aqua MODIS experienced an anomaly with the Formatter-Multiplexer Unit (FMU). As a result, imagery was not produced from August 16, 2020 through September 2, 2020.

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143AquaMODISTrue Colorimagerymultispectraltemporal
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago
MODIS True Color - Terra Surface ReflectanceSource

This series of products from MODIS represents the only daily global composites available and is suitable for use at global and regional levels. This True Color band composition (Bands 1 4 3 | Red, Green, Blue) most accurately shows how we see the earth’s surface with our own eyes. It is a natural looking image that is useful for land surface, oceanic and atmospheric analysis. There are four True Color products in total. For each satellite (Aqua and Terra) there is a 250 meter corrected reflectance product and a 500 meter surface reflectance product. Although the resolution is coarser than other satellites, this allows for a global collection of imagery on a daily basis, which is made available in near real-time. In contrast, Landsat needs 16 days to collect a global composite. Besides the maximum resolution difference, the surface and corrected reflectance products also differ in the algorithm used for atmospheric correction.NASA Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS)This image layer provides access to a subset of the NASA Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS), which are a set of standard services to deliver global, full-resolution satellite imagery. The GIBS goal is to enable interactive exploration of NASA's Earth imagery for a broad range of users. The purpose of this image layer, and the other GIBS image services hosted by Esri, is to enable convenient access to this beautiful and useful satellite imagery for users of ArcGIS. The source data used by this image layer is a finished image; it is not recommended for quantitative analysis.Several full resolution, global imagery products are built and served by GIBS in near real-time (usually within 3.5 hours of observation). These products are built from NASA Earth Observing System satellites data courtesy of LANCE data providers and other sources. The MODIS instrument aboard Terra and Aqua satellites, the AIRS instrument aboard Aqua, and the OMI instrument aboard Aura are used as sources. Several of the MODIS global products are made available on this Esri hosted service.This image layer hosted by Esri provides direct access to one of the GIBS image products. The Esri servers do not store any of this data itself. Instead, for each received data request, multiple image tiles are retrieved from GIBS, which are then processed and assembled into the proper image for the response. This processing takes place on-the-fly, for each and every request. This ensures that any update to the GIBS data is immediately available in the Esri mosaic service.Note on Time: The image service supporting this layer is time enabled, but time has been disabled on this image layer so that the most recent imagery displays by default. If you would like to view imagery over time, you can update the layer properties to enable time animation and configure time settings. The results can be saved in a web map to use later or share with others.

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143MODISTerraTrue Colorimagerymultispectraltemporal
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago
Pansharpened LandsatSource

This layer includes Landsat 8 and 9 imagery for use in visualization and analysis. This layer is time enabled and includes a number of pansharpened renderings on demand. The layer includes 15m imagery rendered on-the-fly as Natural Color with DRA.  It is updated daily with new imagery directly sourced from the USGS Landsat collection on AWS.Geographic CoverageGlobal Land Surface.Polar regions are available in polar-projected Imagery Layers:  Landsat Arctic Views and Landsat Antarctic Views.Temporal CoverageThis layer is updated daily with new imagery.Working in tandem, Landsat 8 and 9 revisit each point on Earth's land surface every 8 days.Most images collected from January 2015 to present are included.Approximately 5 images for each path/row from 2013 and 2014 are also included.Product LevelThe Landsat 8 and 9 imagery in this layer is comprised of Collection 2 Level-1 data.The imagery has Top of Atmosphere (TOA) correction applied.TOA is applied using the radiometric rescaling coefficients provided the USGS.The TOA reflectance values (ranging 0 – 1 by default) are scaled using a range of 0 – 10,000.Image Selection/FilteringA number of fields are available for filtering, including Acquisition Date, Estimated Cloud Cover, and Product ID.To isolate and work with specific images, either use the ‘Image Filter’ to create custom layers or add a ‘Query Filter’ to restrict the default layer display to a specified image or group of images.Visual RenderingDefault rendering is PanSharpened Natural Color images.Raster Functions enable on-the-fly rendering of band combinations and calculated indices from the source imagery.The DRA version of each layer enables visualization of the full dynamic range of the images.Other pre-defined Raster Functions can be selected via the renderer drop-down or custom functions can be created.This layer is part of a larger collection of Landsat Imagery Layers that you can use to perform a variety of mapping analysis tasks.Additional Usage NotesImage exports are limited to 4,000 columns x 4,000 rows per request.This dynamic imagery layer can be used in Web Maps and ArcGIS Pro as well as web and mobile applications using the ArcGIS REST APIs.WCS and WMS compatibility means this imagery layer can be consumed as WCS or WMS services.The Landsat Explorer App is another way to access and explore the imagery.Data SourceLandsat imagery is sourced from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Data is hosted in Amazon Web Services as part of their Public Data Sets program.For information, see Landsat 8  and Landsat 9.

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LandsatLandsat on AWSMultitemporalPSPansharpenedimagerylandsat 8landsat 9multispectraltemporal
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Satellite Imagery and Digital Aerial PhotographySource

This is a link to the USGS Global Visualization Viewer which can be used to locate and download a variety of remotely sensed data including the ASTER multispectral data that was used in the Utah FORGE project.

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ASTERASTER dataEGSFORGEMilfordRoosevelt Hot SpringsUSGS dataUtahUtah FORGEaerial photographydigital aerial photographygeothermalimagerymultispectralmultispectral dataprocessed dataremote sensingremote sensing datasatellitesatellite imagery
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago