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Selected Countries - Geothermal Investments
OwnerWorld Bank Group - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updatedover 1 year ago

This dataset tracks investments in geothermal power projects by Multi-lateral Development Banks (MDBs) since the ‘70s and the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) more recently. All the information by project has been obtained from public sources, primarily the MDBs’ and CIFs’ websites. Figures have been converted to constant 2010 USD. The table provides information on the total estimated cost of each project and on the specific contribution by the relevant MDB or by the CIFs. The latter is then broken down according to the financing target. The break down is sometimes clearly provided in the project documents, while in other cases it is an estimate based on the project description as no figures were available

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Access conditionsAccess control: Unknown
License conditionsLicense: CC-BY-4.0