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Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Thermal Quality Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA-AB)Source

This collection of files are part of a larger dataset uploaded in support of Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB). Phase 1 of the GPFA-AB project identified potential Geothermal Play Fairways within the Appalachian basin of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and New York. This was accomplished through analysis of 4 key criteria: thermal quality, natural reservoir productivity, risk of seismicity, and heat utilization. Each of these analyses represent a distinct project task, with the fifth task encompassing combination of the 4 risks factors. Supporting data for all five tasks has been uploaded into the Geothermal Data Repository node of the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS). This submission comprises the data for Thermal Quality Analysis (project task 1) and includes all of the necessary shapefiles, rasters, datasets, code, and references to code repositories that were used to create the thermal resource and risk factor maps as part of the GPFA-AB project. The identified Geothermal Play Fairways are also provided with the larger dataset. Figures (.png) are provided as examples of the shapefiles and rasters. The regional standardized 1 square km grid used in the project is also provided as points (cell centers), polygons, and as a raster. Two ArcGIS toolboxes are available: 1) RegionalGridModels.tbx for creating resource and risk factor maps on the standardized grid, and 2) ThermalRiskFactorModels.tbx for use in making the thermal resource maps and cross sections. These toolboxes contain item description documentation for each model within the toolbox, and for the toolbox itself. This submission also contains three R scripts: 1) AddNewSeisFields.R to add seismic risk data to attribute tables of seismic risk, 2) StratifiedKrigingInterpolation.R for the interpolations used in the thermal resource analysis, and 3) LeaveOneOutCrossValidation.R for the cross validations used in the thermal interpolations. Some file descriptions make reference to various 'memos'. These are contained within the final report submitted October 16, 2015. Each zipped file in the submission contains an 'about' document describing the full Thermal Quality Analysis content available, along with key sources, authors, citation, use guidelines, and assumptions, with the specific file(s) contained within the .zip file highlighted. UPDATE: Newer version of the Thermal Quality Analysis has been added here: (Also linked below) Newer version of the Combined Risk Factor Analysis has been added here: (Also linked below)

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Appalachian basinArcGISBHT correctionCOSUNACorrelation of Stratigraphic Units of North AmericaDEMDigital Elevation ModelGPFA-ABKrigingNew YorkPFAPennsylvaniaR scriptRome TroughTrenton Black River ProjectWest Virginiabasementcross validationcross-sectiondeep direct usedepth-to-temperaturedistrict heatingfavorable countiesgeospatial datageothermalgeothermal play fairway analysisgeothermsgravityheat flowlow temperaturelow-temperaturemagneticsoutlierplay fairway analysisrasterregional gridresource assessmentrisk of seismicitysediment thicknessshapefiletemperature-at-depththermal analysisthermal conductivitythermal fieldthermal modelthermal qualityworm based interpolation boundariesworms
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Central Eastern United States - Seismic Source Characterization for Nuclear Facilities

The purpose of compiling the CEUS-SSC Project database was to organize and store those data and resources that had been carefully and thoroughly collected and described for the TI Team’s use in characterizing potential seismic sources in the CEUS. An important goal for the development of this database was to document sources and dates for all information that was initially assessed for the CEUS-SSC Project, specifying exactly what data and resources were considered, and provide for pertinent future data sets to be incorporated as they were generated for the project. Development of the project database began at the inception of the project to provide TI Team members with a common set of data, maps, and figures for characterization of potential seismic sources. The database was continually updated during the course of the project through the addition of new references and data collected by TI Team members and project subcontractors, including information presented in project workshops and provided through PPRP review documentation. This appendix presents the contents of the project database, as well as information on the workflow, development roles, database design considerations, data assessment tasks, and management of the database. Based on the CEUS Project Plan, the project database included, but was not limited to, the following general types of data: Magnetic anomaly Gravity anomaly Crystalline basement geology Tectonic features and tectonic/crustal domains Tectonic stress field Thickness of sediments Crustal thickness VP at top of crystalline basement Seismic reflection data at Charleston, South Carolina Earthquake catalog Quaternary faulting and potential Quaternary features Mesozoic rift basins Paleoliquefaction sites Topography and bathymetry Liquefaction dates from published literature for the Wabash, New Madrid, and Charleston seismic zones Index map showing locations of published crustal scale seismic profiles and geologic cross sections

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basementbathymetrycross-sectioncrustal domaincrystalline basementearthquakefaultsgeologygravitymagneticquaternaryrift basinseismicseismic reflectionstructuretectonictectonic stress fieldtopographyunited states
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
New Mexico Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis from LANLSource

This submission contains geospatial (GIS) data on water table gradient and depth, subcrop gravity and magnetic, propsectivity, heat flow, physiographic, boron and BHT for the Southwest New Mexico Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis by LANL Earth & Environmental Sciences. GIS data is in ArcGIS map package format.

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contours30CArcGISBouguer gravityDEMGISLANLNew MexicoPFAPrecambrianSouthwestanalysisavailabilitybasementboronbottomconcentrationcontourscrystallinedatadensitydepthdischargedischarge zoneelevationelevationsfairwaygeographygeologygeomorphologygeospatial datageothermalgeothermometergradientgroundwaterheat flowheat generationhydrogeologic windowslithiumlocationmagneticmagneticsmap packagempkphysiographyplayprospectivityrangessilicastructuresubcroptemperaturetopographywaterwater tablewellwell locationswells
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Precambrian Basement Map of the Northern Midcontinent, U.S.A.

This report contains files that provide a digital version of USGS map I-1853-A, "Precambrian Basement Map of the Northern Midcontinent, U.S.A.," compiled by P.K. Sims and published in 1990. The files are provided in two formats: (1) Arc export (e00) files, which can be imported directly into a number of applications, and (2) Arcview shapefiles and a related Arcview project, which allow direct viewing and manipulation of the map information. The intent of this release is solely to make the original map data available digitally, not to make updates or modifications to the map based on new data acquired in the past decade since the original map was published. Thus, the information in the database files is distilled from the original map and preserves the terminology used therein. To further preserve the original map, ancillary information such as the Correlation of Map Units and Description of Map Units are included as images that were scanned from the printed map. The data are presented in several data layers. A polygon coverage presents the distribution of map units in which each polygon is attributed with 15 geological parameters. An accompanying line coverage shows faults. Additional coverages show location of drill holes used in the original compilation and structure contours on the Precambrian basement surface. --USGS

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basementbedrock geologyfaultsgeologymidcontinentprecambrianstructureunited states
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Precambrian basement structure map United States

The Precambrian basement rocks of the continental United States are largely covered by younger sedimentary and volcanic rocks, and the availability of updated aeromagnetic data (NAMAG, 2002) provides a means to infer major regional basement structures and tie together the scattered, but locally abundant, geologic information. Precambrian basement structures in the continental United States have strongly influenced later Proterozoic and Phanerozoic tectonism within the continent, and there is a growing awareness of the utility of these structures in deciphering major younger tectonic and related episodes. Interest in the role of basement structures in the evolution of continents has been recently stimulated, particularly by publications of the Geological Society of London (Holdsworth and others, 1998; Holdsworth and others, 2001). These publications, as well as others, stress the importance of reactivation of basement structures in guiding the subsequent evolution of continents. Knowledge of basement structures is an important key to understanding the geology of continental interiors.

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aeromagneticbasementfaultsgeologymagnetic anomalyprecambrianrift zoneshearstructuretectonicunited states
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Heat Flow Contours and Well DataSource

This submission contains a shapefile of heat flow contour lines around the FORGE site located in Milford, Utah. The model was interpolated from data points in the Milford_wells shapefile. This heat flow model was interpolated from 66 data points using the kriging method in Geostatistical Analyst tool of ArcGIS. The resulting model was smoothed 100%. The well dataset contains 59 wells from various sources, with lat/long coordinates, temperature, quality, basement depth, and heat flow. This data was used to make models of the specific characteristics.

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ArcGISEGSFORGEMilfordRoosevelt Hot SpringsUtah FORGEbasementcharacterizationcontourdatadepthflowgeospatial datageostatisticsgeothermalheatheat flowheatflowmodelingprocessed dataresourceshape fileshapefileutahwell datawells
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago