The overall objective of this project is to develop a geologic and operational framework for brine disposal in the Northern Appalachian Basin so that the produced fluids from unconventional onshore resource exploitation can be disposed safely and economically. Growth in shale gas production and associated brine and flowback water disposal needs has led to significant current and projected demand for brine disposal wells in the Appalachian Basin. Addressing this demand in a safe and economically viable manner requires a systematic framework for managing fluids disposal in the Northern Appalachian Basin. This project addresses a crucial need of unconventional oil and gas production by assessing the geologic and reservoir management aspects, conducting source-sink analysis to predict the future capacity for brine disposal in the region, and providing guidance for operators, gas producers, regulators, and public stakeholders.
- PDF11122-73-RT-Development_Subsurface_Brine_Disposal_Framework_Northern_Appalachian_Basin-07-15-15.pdf
- PDFFACT SHEET - 11122-73-PFS-Development_Subsurface_Brine_Disposal_Framework_Northern_Appalachian_Basin-08-02-15.pdf
- JPEGPROJECT-PIC-11122-73_Digital_Map_Brine_Disposal_Wells_Geologic_Map_Overlay_Ohio_Caption-030615.jpg
- PDF11122-73-RT-Development_Subsurface_Brine_Disposal_Framework_Northern_Appalachian_Basin-10-07-15.pdf
- PDF11122-73-FR-Development_Subsurface_Brine_Disposal_Framework_Northern_Appalachian_Basin-10-06-15_P.pdf