This zip file contains the files that are needed to simulate NREL's HERO WEC (hydraulic and electric reverse osmosis wave energy converter). This requires the user to have already installed WEC-Sim. In addition to the standard toolboxes that are required to run WEC-Sim the user will also need the Simscape Fluids and Simscape Driveline packages. In the zip file you will find the following: - HEROV1_HPTO.slx: Simulink-based WEC Sim model of the first gen (V1.0) Hydraulic PTO (power take-off) that was designed for the HERO WEC - wecSimInputFile.m: Input file needed to run the model - userDefinedFunctionsMCR.m: MCR (multi condition run) script that is needed if a use wants to simulate multiple wave conditions. - geometry (folder): Includes the geometry file that is needed for visualization - hydroData (folder): Includes the required WAMIT data to run WEC-Sim
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National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - view all
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Last updatedover 1 year ago
OverviewDesalinationHERO WECHydrokineticMATLABMHKMarineNorth CarolinaOuter BanksSimulinkWECcodeenergyhydraulic PTOpoint absorberpowerreverse osmosissim modelsoftware package
Additional Information
dcat_publisher_nameNational Renewable Energy Laboratory