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Data and code from: Cultivation and dynamic cropping processes impart land-cover heterogeneity within agroecosystems: a metrics-based case study in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta (USA)
OwnerUnited States Department of Agriculture - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updated10 months ago

This dataset contains data and code from the manuscript: Heintzman, Lucas J., Nancy E. McIntyre, Eddy J. Langendoen, and Quentin D. Read. 2023. Cultivation and dynamic cropping processes impart land-cover heterogeneity within agroecosystems: a metrics-based case study in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta (USA). Landscape Ecology, in revision. Citation will be updated when MS is accepted. There are 14 rasters of land use and land cover data for the study region, in .tif format with associated auxiliary files, two shape files with county boundaries and study area extent, a CSV file with summary information derived from the rasters, and a Jupyter notebook containing Python code. The rasters included here represent an intermediate data product. Original unprocessed rasters from NASS CropScape are not included here, nor is the code to process them. List of files MSDeltaCounties_UTMZone15N.shp: Depiction of the 19 counties (labeled) that intersect the Mississippi Alluvial Plain in western Mississippi. MS_Delta_MAP_UTMZone15N.shp: Depiction of the study area extent. mf8h_XXXX.tif: Yearly, reclassified and majority filtered LULC data used to build comboall1.csv - derived from USDA NASS CropScape. There are 14 .tif files total for years 2008-2021. Each .tif file includes auxiliary files with the same file name and the following extensions: .tfw, .tif.aux.xml, .tif.ovr., .tif.vat.cpg., .tif.vat.dbf. comboall1.csv: Combined dataset of LULC information for all 14 years in study period. analysis.ipynb_.txt: Jupyter Notebook used to analyze comboall1.csv. Convert to .ipynb format to open with Jupyter. This research was conducted under USDA Agricultural Research Service, National Program 211 (Water Availability and Watershed Management).

Land Use and Land Cover ChangeMississippi DeltaNP211crop rotationland use and land coverlandscape
Additional Information
dcat_publisher_nameAgricultural Research Service
harvest_source_titleUSDA Open Data Catalog
  • ZIP
    Yearly LULC rasters 2008-2021
  • ZIP
    Mississippi Delta shapefiles
  • CSV
    Comma-separated file containing summary LULC data
  • TXT
    Text file of Jupyter notebook containing analysis code
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