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TfNSW Passenger travel performance reports
OwnerTransport for NSW - view all
Update frequencyunknown
Last updated10 months ago

This dataset captures the following public transport performance reports. Each resource is displayed as an interactive chart with filter options. The [TfNSW passenger travel]( provides more information. * Sydney Metropolitan and Outer Metropolitan Bus Service Contract on time running results * Ferries service Reliability and On-Time Running Results * NSW Trains service reliability and punctuality results on all regional lines in New South Wales. * Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink (Intercity) performance reports * New Customer On-Time measure – measuring our customer’s experience * Sydney Network - Historical Trains Punctuality Performance report * Performance Reporting for the Sydney Light Rail network Use the **GO TO RESOURCE** Option to view the individual reports.

ChartReportsStatisticalTfNSWbusferryinformationlight railperformancepublicstatisticstraintransport
Additional Information
harvest_source_titleTransport for NSW Open Data Hub
  • URL
    Buses - On-time running
  • https
    Ferries - Performance reports
  • https
    NSW Trains - Performance reports (regional)
  • https
    Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink (Intercity) performance reports
  • https
    New Customer On-Time measure – measuring our customer’s experience
  • https
    Historical Trains Punctuality Performance - Sydney Network
  • https
    Sydney Light Rail – Performance reports
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Access conditionsAccess control: Unknown
License conditionsLicense: Creative Commons Attribution