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Last updatedover 1 year ago
Overview2.5 MWAquantisC-planeCECHydrokineticLCOEMHKMarineanalysisaxialaxial flow turbineaxisblade fabricationcost of energycurrentdesigndevicedrawingsdrivetraindynamic rigeconomicsenergygenerationhorizontallab datalab testlaboratory testinglevelized cost of energymodelingmodelsmooringoceanocean currentpowerpresentationsresourceresultsroller bearingrotor characteristicsstructuraltank testtechnologytow tankturbine
Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device, Tow Tank Dynamic Rig Structural Analysis Results. This is the detailed documentation for scaled device testing in a tow tank, including models, drawings, presentations, cost of energy analysis, and structural analysis. This dataset also includes specific information on drivetrain, roller bearing, blade fabrication, mooring, and rotor characteristics.
Additional Information
dcat_publisher_nameDehlsen Associates, LLC
- XLSXTruss Drag Loading Calculation.xlsx
- PDFLoad Data.pdf
- PPTXOptimized Tow Cube Overview and Analysis.pptx
- PPTXCOE Scaling and Recommendations.pptx
- XLSMCOE Configuration Study.xlsm
- XLSMCOE Model Rotor Based.xlsm
- DOCXStability and Force Analysis Summary.docx
- XLSXTRB Bearings Analysis.xlsx
- PPTXHST Efficiency Summary.pptx
- XLSXHydro Motor Efficiency.xlsx
- PDFCoupling Specification.pdf
- XLSXTow Tank Model BOM.xlsx
- PDFInstrumentation Tray.pdf
- ZIPTow Tank Test Model Blade Drawings.zip
- PPTXModel Platform Blades Fabrication.pptx
- XLSXC-Plane Scale Mooring Specification Table.xlsx
- XLSXStiffness Damping Mass Matrices.xlsx
- XLSXAquantis AFT Line Stiffness Calculation.xlsx
- PDFTidal Bladed Input.pdf
- XLSXAquantis FWD Line Stiffness Calculation.xlsx
- DOCAquantis 2.0 MW SpecSheet.doc
- DOCAquantis 1.5 MW SpecSheet.doc
- XLSXAquantis SRD Draft.xlsx
- DOCStatic Pitch Trim Zero vs Large.doc
- XLSXStability Requirements.xlsx
- PPTXRotational Flow Investigation.pptx
- PPTXCp Cavitation - Rotational Effects.pptx
- PPTXScaled Rotor Design.pptx
- PPTXScaled Rotor Off-Design.pptx
- PDFBearing Detail.PDF
- LOGNacelle Body Log.LOG
- MASNacelle Body Query.MAS
- LOGStationary Hub Modified Log.LOG
- GENNacelle Body ArcView.GEN
- CWRStationary Hub Modified Simulation.CWR
- PPTXPDC Pitch Stability.pptx
- PPTTransverse Structure Analysis.ppt
- PPTXTow Tank Model Configuration.pptx
- PPTXScaled Main Wing Design.pptx
- PPTXConceptual DR.pptx
- PPTXFairing.pptx
- PPTXTow Tank Test Model Rotor FEA I.pptx
- PPTXTow Tank Test Model Rotor FEA II.pptx
- XLSXTow Tank Test Model Structure FEA.xlsx
- ZIPAquantis Test Tank Device CAD.zip